Fourm of lies 12 (Day 4)

Why can’t you trust me, let prince jail me and let me claim to him.

Orange your vote on the poll is still on Braix

Just claim you daft dingus

Can Orange be scorned?

This is FOL. The laws of ToL don’t apply.

That would be stupid to be fair.

Unlikely I think. He didn’t start the wagon on you.

Also your acting super evil

choo. choo

We had Merc to revenant already… Duh.

I would not be surprised with fool, really.

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Well if he says I am Unseen but I could promise you I am Bd I am scorned target.

I kinda did though

I just pushed others first

What are you ffs

If he is Fool we don’t even lose the day tomorrow though. So I think the risk is fine

The merc on NK is irrelevant, we’re talking about the fool here since the wincons contradict each other.

You don’t lose the day just cannot vote.

I know. So there is little penalty if we lynch you.

Same thing

Merc on NK wich “dies” n1 is tbh relevant.

I guess if I go to trial it would be gamethrowing if I did not claim? Correct? @FadeBlade