G! Turbo - But the players decide the special effect - 8/Infinite

G! Turbo! - Wazza Edition

Due to not enough classes yet. The thread for GI turbo is not yet being used. https://forum.imperium42.com/t/grand-idea-fol-turbo-edition/75468/11.

Average Rules.

  • Game starts at 2019-02-12T00:30:00Z
  • Days are 15 minutes. Twilight is 2 minutes. Nights are 5 minutes, unless I’m a failure and extend it.
  • Early day actions will be processed during the day, late day actions will be processed during Twilight, due to me being a failure once more.
  • There can be more than one King, but only a King election will take place once there are no Kings remaining.
  • I’m on PC, so don’t have mercy, feel free to make me want to die.
  • The amount of players are infinite but there must be at least 7 players.
  1. GamerPoke
  2. Sam17z
  3. Isaac
  4. CetaComputer
  5. BlueStorm
  6. Squid
  7. Maxwell
  8. Geyde

There is no line for classes until the game begins.

Classes will be watered down if they are not able to be used in Turbo, if classes can not work in turbo situations like this, they will be re-rolled.

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If you join, you can decide what the special mechanic is.

can i not join but still decide the special mechanic

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idrc so sure.

its worth it

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private message you?


Mechanic Idea:

All players are hidden with the tag “Wazza 1-7”, you must choose a Wazza to vote, you could be voting yourself but it’s worth a risk, right. The class that is lynched will flip along with the player who has that class.

  • Yes
  • No
  • What the fuck are you on Wazza? (No)

0 voters

don’t tell anyone

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More than 1 mechanic can be done.

I likey

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lol wtf this game will be crazy

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that’s kinda like Eevee’s bastard game but a bit different

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Where’d you think I stole it from lol.


Canning this game till tomorrow. Waz is tired lol. Suggest mechanics though here or in dms with me all you want.



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Gee gee

Canned again till tomorrow. IRL Problems.

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Want to hear a joke? Having a GF who isn’t a psycho bitch.

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you have a gf???

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