G! Turbo - But the players decide the special effect - 8/Infinite

I want to sign up

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I havenā€™t played fol in like 2 months cause I waited like 4 days for a match then got voted out before I could even do anything

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Used to.

Also go ahead @CetaComputer

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I made a promise. This game must still go onā€¦ and Iā€™m still hosting it.

Game begins at 2019-02-13T21:00:00Z or 2019-02-13T21:30:00Z


Might wanna change the title so people know it ainā€™t canned

Done. Also game begins at 2019-02-13T21:30:00Z

i cant play until a good bit after that second one today, sorry. if this is the case ill have to /out

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Oof, itā€™s all good.


Ping all the non-pingers!

Special Effect:

  • Everyone will have a day vig shot.

Continue suggesting more and if they are public or hidden. If you do not state, I will assume public.

What the fuck was I on?



Wazza, Iā€™m gonna have to


Timeā€™s a bish

Itā€™s all good.

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lol hi wazza

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Get out of my stone stream.

no :frowning: