G! Turbo - But the players decide the special effect - 8/Infinite



That’s unfortunate.

yea I have to /out also. y u do this u noob

/modkill host for making it 7 pm

Yeah, I can’t be doing that time, not with work in the morning.

Valentines Day is gonna be miserable for me as it is, I don’t need to be going to work sleepless as well.


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/Out this is sad

I’m still in but let me know if you’re going to cancel because if so im going to go out

Canned till tomorrow.

I’ll roll 20 classes in the meantime.

So tomorrow it can start instantly.

epic at what time

Same time as this planned to start (1 hour ago lmao)

ok /in

/Oink okay bai

/Join (For tommorow)

Oh, nevermind. Tommorow.

midnight UTC tomorrow. That works for me; I’m still in.

@Wazza This a go or a no?

wait till I finish my tol game.


Got muh tutoring done