G! Turbo - Pretty Much Everyone Wins

  • It will start most likely 5 minutes after it reached 7 players, players can still join after the rolling.
  • Days are 15 minutes. Twilight is 2 minutes. Nights are 5 minutes, unless I’m a failure and extend it.
  • Early day actions will be processed during the day, late day actions will be processed during Twilight, due to me being a failure once more.
  • There can be more than one King, but only a King election will take place once there are no Kings remaining.
  • I’m on PC, so don’t have mercy, feel free to make me want to die.
  • The amount of players are infinite but there must be at least 7 players.
  1. Squid
  2. GamerPoke
  3. Margaret
  4. Simon
  5. Isaac
  6. Soulshade
  7. BlueStorm.

There is no line for classes until the game begins.

Classes will be watered down if they are not able to be used in Turbo, if classes can not work in turbo situations like this, they will be re-rolled.

You join by doing /in and posting your discord name and tag so I can dm you your role and stuff. (I’m going to hit the dm limit and edit limit if not), you do not need to post your tag if you are in the Forum Mafia discord.


But you never joined.



You could just say no, it’s easier.


/in then /out

/out then /in


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So are you playing or not lol

Team Spirit right here.

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Well I /In’ed didnt I?

There you go @eevee, perfect spot.

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/in then /out then /in then /out then /in then /out then /in then /out then /in then /out then /in then /out then /in then /out then /in then /out then

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Lovely team spirit.

/in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out /in then /out

But the twist is cool.

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@Meteoro @mathblade @Soulshade55r