Gambit Tutorial

orange is right though idk how to write a guide on gambiting even though I was thinking hard on about how to write it

it’s something you do

know what else is fun

catching scum or tricking the village

guess which is more important overall - FPS or those

fps can do both

or it can backfire horribly

the worst an incorrect read can do is be wrong

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You can never truly succeed until you fail miserably

example of good gambit

why it was good

low risk - worst case scenario I get lynched as a NK, this only harms me not the overall flow of the game
good reward - completely cleared Sam, my partner and a nullread, of being non-Town
minimal confusion - only Sam was ever lied to, everybody else could figure out what I was doing pretty easily
solid credibility - caught a lot of scum D1, was almost certainly not Mafia - also asked to be investigated that night for even more credibility
helps my position - it’s unlikely scum would try this, so it also helped make me even more town
focused and accurate - either Sam would out me to the town the next day after I let him “convince” me to not kill him and he’s Town, or he doesn’t and tries to work with me as scum, making it easy to determine his alignment from his reaction with very little room for error

in other words if you’re gonna gambit try to maximize those points and use it conservatively

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Power Roles will typically respond by hardclaiming if at L-1 or in other extremely perilous positions. The worst thing for a PR is to be lynched, so by prematurely telling them they are extremely close to being lynched, you may get a gut response from them to claim.

Moreover, this doesn’t help find scum; all it does is fuck over PRs.
It’s a high risk low reward gambit that ends up fucking town over more than not


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What if you tell Person A that isn’t being voted, that Person B is at L-1?

scum won’t quick hammer for no reason

townies however is a different story

dang, guess I’ll delete L1 from my memory then, I dont want PRs gone or townies to mislynch

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Level 1: You might end up outing Masons.
Level 2: You might catch a gut response from a player to try to dissolve the wagon if the second player is townread by them. As this is a gambit, you can’t just mention it out of the blue or tell someone directly.

It’s a tool to garner reactions, not especially effective since scum won’t try to quickhammer with no point very often


This is why it’s called a gambit, of course there is some risk to it

Funnily enough, gambits are generally some of the first openings you learn about in chess

why do you think chess and reaction tests are words that both mean the same thing

The thing you play is 4d chess, that’s a bit outside my realm of expertise

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Pretty high risk. You got modkilled almost

Also depends on the time in the game because mafia might want NK dead at that time so… it might not be alignment indicative

Also it only worked on me because I didn’t read the thread. I mean if I did I would have known you were Town since NK wouldn’t have a green check on them since who would fake it


I rode the line but didn’t cross it

Removing a message is crossing the line. modkill able offense