[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!

and its not like my vote on you can’t be changed or was a super serious vote

It’s all in why it was made and your reason is scummy and you know it.

Well, calling it a night now so good night.

Glad to see the thread is as dead as I was yesterday

Gonna go grab some breakfast and then we’ll see about cracking this puppy open

I honestly don’t like how dead this thread is. We need to be more active or scum will win this easily.


Get over here and start playing the game that you signed up to play!

@Hippolytus can i get an answer to this question

Did you even read my Christmas list

What more can we do?

I was asleep im sorry


Yup. The bike you wanted is in the mail.

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leafia literally got almost everyone back in thread which is poggers


(if it wasn’t clear I was joking about the fact I just said “let me eat and then I’ll figure this out” and then you immediately ping me telling me to play lol)

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Asleep for over 14 hours Wendy?

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I slept longer than that yesterday!

I did do some other things before going on here today

Admittedly it was in a few chunks not over 14 hours straight

Well, the important thing is that almost everyone is here again so we can resume solving.

its just that gamestate is really difficult to work with honestly