[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!

Your reads in spec chat were kind of preflippy + very tunnelly, it didn’t matter all that much since you weren’t in the game and I would have expected you to be at least slightly less tunnelly in game but your reasons for pushing Hippo were a lot weaker than your push on Hippo

Also, you cleared Emilia basically just for posting, even though she’s had games as wolf where she posted

ok I’ll DM you

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I kind of expected you to comment on me being tunneled, tbh =\

am I goat




imagine being goat



(Shoutout to smartbomb)

this is the point im contesting for the reasons ive stated above

Okay but has any of that actually happened here because as far as I can tell it’s a pure hypothetical when it comes to FoL

to be honest i had never thought of these

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How different would your read have been on me had you not known I was cheese

Since a lot of other people didn’t do the “deathtunnel = towncheese = ignore him” thing this game which was the exact reason I alted this game

Ok the “ignore him” thing did happen because they were wrong

But it wasn’t because i was cheese and “most od the time they do this they’re wrong”

Not different at all but I barely use metareads

Ketsuban, wanted to be perceived as cute
Clownzu, wanted to be able to detatch from a game without getting dumpstered for it

and just because ive had more experience of it on other sites doesnt mean that those things dont exist on this site


to name a few of the most impactful MU ones for me

Like at no point were any of my thoughts on you contingent on whether or not me guessing you were, well, you, was correct or incorrect

…i guess you’re just a special case then

But i genuinely saw a significant difference

People were taking that extra step to try and think through it themselves rather than going “lolcheese”

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Also i expect the same feom people nexr game since i was right on emilia since d1 ):<

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Mist is already cute and she outed midway through D1 lol

Can’t speak to this one at all so maybe

But like the MU ones are p irrelevant because they’re on MU and not here

The people upset at alts here generally don’t seem to have issues with alts on MU and I know I sure don’t

But at the end of the day somebody wanting to be able to take a day off of tryharding doesn’t seem to make all the other obvious, misleading, purely for meme value, and shitty alts worth it in the grand scheme of things