[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!

I just disagree. I’m not reading him based off of the fact he made a wallpost. I’m reading him based off of the content in those wallposts. I heavily disliked most of what he said. If you haven’t seen already why, I would look at the post I made again.

To answer this seriously, I am not a new player. I wouldn’t consider myself new.

All of Hippo’s takes are level 0 and without depth

All of them are opportunistic as fuck

How is this slot not just a wolf

the fact you dislike it is what makes him likely to be a villager
if you liked it, it’d most likely consist of consensus reads, which are the type of reads he gives as a wolf

Damm bro good point


Eli has distinct meta where you can clear him for existing.

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whats an amogus?

Eli doesn’t sit frozen as wolf anymore. IIRC He’s broken out of that meta a while ago?

Dont remember him breaking it

gghana not having the self-awareness to realize he’s pushing hippo for doing the same stuff that he himself is doing means he’s probably a villager
it’s like in FAM where he pushed me for having nothing better than level 1 reads when he didn’t either


The thought process between him voting Cabbage and saying this just doesn’t make sense to me

it just doesn’t

he’s not exactly frozen as a wolf, it’s just he lacks independent thought and he’s given some independent thoughts here already

Stop reading me off of meta

I’m more than that

How about you listen to my fucking takes instead of just going “lol Ghana’s probably a v with shit reads”

that’s not meta, i’m just using an example of when you did a similar thing in a game where you were a villager

Which is funny because I’m not even ghana

ok, ghana

I don’t like the fact this sounds like Eli’s meta is just “being bad” as wolf. Can’t literally anyone easily give an independent thought as wolf? :expressionless: My opinion is unchanged as the content of his reads aren’t good and I refuse to townread him based off of the fact he posted something as simple as saying X is wolf.