[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!

Eli’s town
nod nod

If it was somehow towny to say “my reads aren’t that good so im waiting…” It would be incredibly easy for wolves to win the game every time.

wallpost part 2 (except i missed the like 70 posts in between me leaving and my last wallpost)

“That word you keep on using, inconceivable. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
sorry i just had to point this out

i hate this
get em out of here

wow that’s
i do not like it

my thoughts exactly

i uh
don’t think so
but okay

i was?
i didn’t think i was

and i think cabbage telling people to stop talking is wolfy

of course

it’s meta or smth

i do not see how this warrants a townread
or how they even had that large of an amount

yooo same

i partially agree
but i don’t think it necessarily makes him a wolf


about that…

okay so originally i misread the post and missed the “lack of”
i think a “lack of a guilty conscience” is NAI. soooo


>push me with [reasoning]
>get called out
>"I would never do this as wolf"
idk man, kind of seems like a thing a wolf would do

okay this one is true
please don’t marshal

in unrelated news
i am out of likes because of you guys

in unrelated news part 2
i agree with marshal about arctic
might go on wendy or arctic wagons soon, we’ll see

I’m actually thinking for myself this game, and when you finally realize that your accusation of me being wolfy because I have an independent read on Eli (The apparent reason why you think he is so towny in the first place) isn’t good, hopefully you will also realize how strange it is that everyone else in the game is easily townreading him. Honestly, thinking about it now, that is the one thing he has going for him that could even possibly make my read change is the fact that everyone here is saying nothing but “Eli v, Eli is an obvious villager!”. Because that indicates to me honestly that there’s someone that likely has tmi.

now i go eat

I think wendy town

Arctic maf

Several people have stated they wolfread cabbage.

You did. Reread what you said. You said that it looked like a wolf trying to find a reason why they voted their partner.

This doesn’t matter. You said you don’t like this read. That is entirely different.

You are misconstruing what I said. I said a townlean. not a townread. :upside_down_face:

I didn’t get “called out”, I was called a wolf for no reason other than the fact you are an “obvious villager” which is so untrue. Your meme or whatever is literally just a misrepresentation of what I said. I know how you play. I wouldn’t push v you as w me as it would be a complete waste of anyones time as everyone instantly village reads you and never rescinds ever. :frowning_face:

My opinion is unchanged. Eli is a w read, and I believe so more because even more of what he’s stated is just him misrepresenting everything I’ve said to make it easier for him to argue back and call me a wolf.

maybe hippo is a villager after all

same difference

No it is not. I found their opening posts towny. I found those first posts villagery, so if someone asked me GTH if they were w or v I would say v. I wouldn’t shield them from all pushing ever though. Theres a difference. If they continue to post more they like, then sure it could become a townread.

for my purposes in this post
it is the same difference

Can you rephrase this?

it’s the same thing for what i said here

townread = townlean for the purposes of this post

good post
the frustration looks more like concern that eli is being miscleared rather than that he’s being correctly cleared (this doesn’t say much if eli and wendy are w/w, but i think that’s pretty unlikely already)

Thank you. It warranted a townlean to me as they immediately started solving and I simply liked that. As I said before, it wasn’t like I was saying they were lock v.

oh i know
i still don’t think it warranted a townlean

…Okay? That is your opinion, and I cant change that I guess.

okay, i guess

Player Voted by Votes
Arctic Marluxion, Marshal 2/8
Hippolytus Ketsuban, Princess_Daisy 2/8
Emilia Aelin, Hippolytus 2/8
EliThePsycho Wendy 1/8
Princess_Daisy EliThePsycho 1/8
cabbage Emilia 1/8
Not voting Arctic, cabbage, Grace, Luxy, Marshal, Wazza 6

Both majority and plurality are in effect. With 14 players alive, it takes 8 to reach majority

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