[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!

it’s pepega because if Daisy isn’t GGhana they cannot legally respond to your push on them which makes it incredibly slimy

u fine if i out you?

i was fully unaware that alts cant out themselves, also daisy claimed to be gghana so

my lawyer has advised me not to speak on this at this time

but if that hypothetically wasn’t the case i would be

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hi misty :slight_smile:

it was really funny how obvious you thought you made it and then marl still guessed wrong

even if it was technically a correct answer

which makes it better

didn’t you spec Gold Rush? this was like a huge issue on day 1

this happened AFTER you tried to push on them under the argument that they were GGhana so it doesn’t make your push not pepega unless you’re somehow arguing that you saw the future and managed to predict that they would out themself

personally I thought they were Derps for like the first half of their Iso

You think i read any of that game? lol

I was very sure of them being ghana, i didnt know they couldnt out themselves and they made no attempt to hide it. I was fully unaware alts couldnt out themselves, I ftr wouldnt have made that push as either alignment had I knew

alts not being able to out themself is a really stupid rule that i also did not know of until three minutes ago

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hi Arete

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based family treeuinion

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its not bad to go against the spirit of the rules if the rule is stupid right

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nah its not bad, mods cant say yes but I can and personally I think if rules are objectively dumb you dont have to follow them and I dont

Mist (which, like, you’ve basically openMisted) said at some point that she thought it was an integrity breach for unouted alts to out themself midgame (this was on MU where it’s legal)

did something in particular change orrrrr

legally i cannot answer this question


the answer is “in that scenario it was for a tactical advantage, in this scenario it’s for my own mental health, kinda”

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anyway uh

going forward regardless of your opinion on my actual id

please continue referring to me as ketsuban or whatever cute nickname you’ve come up with

it’s important to me i promise

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yah i could tell you were in rp mode which is why i didnt rlly wanna mess with it tbh

so ketsumine who do you want to kill today

it was unplanned rp mode and i kinda made a mess of it and gave up

cuz the original plan probably would not have worked well in a mafia context and i didn’t have a great backup

see my list from earlier

hippo still lead candidate