[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!

gorta you even scumread cabbage and are voting him

never said cabbage couldnā€™t

Imma stop this fluffposting now.

All seriousness, whatā€™s the case on Aelin?

your argument for aelin being town is that no one is defending them except cabbage, but you also think cabbage is a wolf


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we were in Shortnite 2 (V/V), Clown Fiesta 2 (Vrete/Waelin), and MC JoJoā€™s (Warete/Vaelin) most recently

im not gonna give ā€˜resistance :flushed:ā€™ reads the time of day, if you have any other reason to not kill aelin lmk

my case is wolf meta

wolves can defend town as well

I replied to Aelinā€™s post and it jumped me down to the bottom of the thread and the arrows donā€™t work aaaa

Wait Aelin has a meta?

okay, so why does aelin not being defended mean she is likely to be a town?

Like even if Aelin is a wolf and Iā€™m wrong I still think wolves are fine with this and one of Aelinā€™s biggest pushers is a wolf

Iā€™m aelinā€™s biggest pusher and iā€™m not a wolf, and your logic is incredibly bad

did yā€™all read my champs game? this d1 reminds me of d1 in that game currently

she doesnt like randing wolf so when she does she just exists in thread instead of making reads with reasoning. See: all of her wolfgames

shes doing that this game
therefor eshe can die

last time I remember wolf Aelin just throwing tons of crap at the wall and trying to see what sticks

can you explain, like, all of these that you havenā€™t explained already

ā€œAelin is v for not being defendedā€
ā€œOne of my top wolfreads is defending them? Wolves can defend villagersā€
Compares this game to a game where he defended a wolf d1

never change gorta


a lot of them are explained if you go a few posts down from there

Iā€™ll have you know I didnā€™t sleep last night
