[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!

you said that you weren’t making stuff so you didn’t die, but if you’re a villager you would only get killed if you were actually making content

so the argument that you are deliberately not playing the game to not get nightkilled is incredibly weird

you can’t just go the whole game ignoring alts even if you hate them
it’s not possible to solve a game like this while you’re ignoring 3-4 slots


…Please read through my posts one more time and give me a chance.

Either way you’re going to find out I’m town, so why not choose the way that executes scum?

Sorry, I accidentally broke out of character.

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I read through your posts and my opinion is unchanged and I’m sorry for that. I don’t think Gorta is as bad as other people are making him out to be and I also don’t like how people are so willing to kill you but then they’ll be like “mehhhhhhhhh lets just kill this totally not convenient lhf slot next to you instead” at EOD. It is just insanely suspicious to me to put it simply.

Exactly? Your point being?

I didn’t do anything day 1 because I couldn’t do anything as with what was going on irl, stuff going on elsewhere and things I can’t comment on currently. So me not playing the game while I had a minor little chance too was just because “there’s no point”, it was also just to add content to reach the post minimum.

I’ll obviously talk about them like I did with Wendy, but I metaread or use mechanics to read, did you forget that already considering you’ve played games with me various times? Why do you think I suck at reads so much lmao.

…Your loss.

Remember your promise to make people listen to me once I die!

Yeas. <3

That’s if you even flip town though.

So :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:.

Same Off-Topic request as yesterday

Would people like to give thoughts on who I actually am? (Yes, I am indeed an alt.)

Privately in your classcards please, so as not to influence anyone else’s guesses.

I am curious how I performed this past day. Think of this as a favor for me, since I will be flipping town if I do die!

I really am not sure who you are, tbh.

I was waiting for someone to notice that my votes today have been stupid and ur point that I never voted arete despite saying they were obvs mafia was astute and shows ur actually trying to read

Can I ask why you scumread Gorta?

Player Voted by Votes
cabbage Wendy, an_gorta_pratai, Luxy, Emilia, Marluxion 5/7
an_gorta_pratai cabbage, Arctic, Arete, Hippolytus 4/7
Wazza Ketsuban 1/7
Arete Wazza 1/7
Not voting EliThePsycho 1

Both majority and plurality are in effect. With 12 players alive, it takes 7 to reach majority

@Hippolytus still waiting…

Postcap lifted until EoD.

Day ends: 2021-08-04T21:00:00Z

Okay, cool

Anyone here and wanna talk?

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I am here, although I’m not sure you want to talk to me…