[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!

Player Voted by Votes
Arete Wazza 1
Arctic Arete 1
Not voting Arctic, cabbage, EliThePsycho, Emilia, Hippolytus, Ketsuban, Luxy, Wendy 8

/vote arete

That isnā€™t suicide. Iā€™m also not going to just disregard all of my feelings on cabbage because Luxy was given the gun. More than cabbage exists in the game, you know that right? Iā€™d even argue they also chose Luxy as to make me look bad in the process.

Small thing though

Why did wolves give it to Luxy?

They shld have given it to me

Ah its cuz they are gonna kill lixu tonight either way

Luxy was for the most part pretty consensus.

They clearly werenā€™t going to grieve the loss of a POE slot by giving it to almost anyone else.

tbh I wouldā€™ve just given it to a slanker because itā€™s funny for the most part and for the other part itā€™ll be harder for them to shoot correctly


Iā€™m kinda mad at yesterday by the way. Not just because of Gorta dying, but the fact that it was a villager who drove the wagon we had on Cabbage to Gorta despite the fact Cabbage was arguably wolfier but whatever. Besides Cabbage, I still dislike Eli.

my mistake was not realizing gorta literally blatantly making stuff up made him a villager

hi Arctic

why do you think Marl was killed?

why the fuck do you think
iā€™m ML bait and i have been this entire game

how tf was Cabbage wolfier, Gorta literally lied to get me misexeā€™d and then when he backtracked and I asked him for evidence of his position (that would have taken like 2 minutes to find) he tried to claim that I was a wolf trying to overwhelm him with unreasonable demands

why did we kill gorta

i didnā€™t read EoD

he was consensus town and incorrectly pushing a villager but he wasnā€™t actually making the wagon go anywhere, so wolves probably think people are more likely to actually push me if marl dies

like I did actually think there was a chance he was a poorly-playing villager at first even after he, you know, blatantly lied, which is why I kept engaging with him, but when I was like ā€˜okay, give me a quote that illustrates the similarity youā€™re claiming to seeā€™ and he was like ā€˜YOU ARE A WOLF TRYING TO OVERWHELM ME WITH UNREASONABLE DEMANDSā€™ I stopped doubting he was a wolf :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

he was literally making stuff up, pushing me simply because of my push on aelin and by preflipping cabbage as a wolf

he pushed arete for the same reason although he had other reasons to suspect them as well

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Because Iā€™ve read their Iso several times to the point where I have not figured out a way where most of their posts could possibly be town motivated no matter how many times Iā€™ve tried. Of course Iā€™d be voting them instead of Gorta.