[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!

If the top wagons were t/w then wazza would have much of a stake in saving cabbage there

Rather than vanity wagoning

Isnā€™t this in a world where Cabbage is scum though?

Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying

If cabbage is town, then youā€™re not cleared unfortunately

Actually, I want to bring up another point.

Do you think Iā€™m wolf with anyone else in the Wolf PoE?

I had some reason to think not Eli but I donā€™t remember it

Arctic, who had been pushing on me since D2.
Ketsuban, who is pushing on me now after Arete has just flipped and pushed on me earlier.
Cabbage, who I couldā€™ve saved yesterday but didnā€™t (Granted, Marl did eventually)

  1. Arctic - PoE
  2. Emilia ā†’ orangeandblack5 - Town
  3. EliThePsycho - Null
  4. Wazza - Town
  5. Hippolytus - Town
  6. cabbage - PoE
  7. Luxy
  8. Ketsuban - PoE
  9. Wendy - Town


Arete was hard defending Eli a lot day 2

If this is your wolf PoE, then explain who Iā€™m partnered with?

honestly completely forgot about Eli

I guess that makes sense to be partners with me but thatā€™s because heā€™s done nothing

Although, Iā€™m positive wolves have had heavy thread control and I believe Areteā€™s flip shows that further.

I 100% Wazza was the attempted mislynch for today.

A lot of pressure just sprung up on them from nowhere

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Actually, thatā€™s a good point to make because ever since I said that Areteā€™s wallpost was fake, I got pushed on from various angles

Why canā€™t this be a bus

Because it doesnā€™t make sense if cabbage was a wolf and in dire likelihood to be lynched 2 days in a row


I donā€™t think cabbage is a wolf

Did you read the entire gamesolve I made?


Okay, so hereā€™s where Iā€™m at post Arete flip.

Wendy Luxy Wazza
Ketsu Arctic
Eli Cabbage

Why would I be the one bussing considering Iā€™m the lowest active one and I donā€™t bus unless required.

Arete was in a very good position if I (and Hippo) didnā€™t call out their post, they looked Town enough.


If Cabbage is Town, I canā€™t see them killing Marl as thereā€™s mislynch potential inbetween them, especially considering Marl saved Cabbageā€™s life completely, itā€™s possible to push on those two for being a possible team, even if itā€™s just mislynching one of them, a mislynch is a mislynch.
If Cabbage is Mafia, I can see them killing Marl to prevent Cabbage being pushed on again, kill off the slot they could be partnered with. Granted if Cabbage got executed/shot, then Marl is next to fall and thatā€™s a mislynch, although itā€™s not as lucrative as it would be otherwise.

Poor Orange, completely missed.

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