[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!

And clearly I’m not alone in that

Thank u

I should’ve voted arctic first but j think I did good this game too

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I finally was the one who solved the scumteam


Hippo was actually so props to him


Just Hippo things

i think the problem with alts here is that theres a culture of hard-alt-hunting which makes people try to hide their alts in the first place
i think the solution is to… stop publically alt-hunting? not sure how the rules would work around this but
people playing on alts do it so they dont get perceived as their main accounts would, and putting game-effort into ruining that (especially when its for emotional reasons!!!) is kind of toxic

Also considering you outed yourself like halfway through D1 I really don’t feel like this game in particular is really helping your case

No see the old rule was “no alt spec allowed” and that was worse

I have had positive experiences that by far outweigh the negatives so seeing sentiments such as “alts are terrible policy them all ASAP” is making those feel retroactively tainted

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That being said trying to figure out who an alt is is so you can read them better is literally only natural

I’m glad you’re choosing to insist on proving me wrong because you so desperately need to win this argument even when I asked to disengage

Really nice if you

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There are moviestarplanet forums

…no fm

Just edgy teenagers


Alts in general are bad, cuz they give people unfair advantage/disadvantage of not having a meta.

Abolish meta tbh

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no its literally not!!
its very much a cultural thing
ive never had the tendency to alt-hunt and ive played in many anon games and far more other games with alts in them

Anon games are fun

Not the joy themed one, I think that 1 made me die inside


I cant believe I thought i was preventing myself from being jumped superbcrewtively yet i was wolfreadbfor it

meta adds extra layer to the game. Without it you’re pretty much stuck generalizing wolf and village play.

Shpuldve just typed like i do on mobile LOL

Meta does make sense but people rely on it too much and sometimes people incorrectly use it or fail to use if cuz their biased