[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!


Yeah, that was unfortunate. Thanks for the compliment in spec chat too. :slight_smile:

Also @Arctic let the fact that we won on a Wazza misvote be a lesson :stuck_out_tongue:

Mans wanted to kill Wazza not Hippo

:pensive: at least you pushed my legacy when i died

you were a boss in final 5
obviously town and also mostly correct

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min i think also would have won if literally any integer against them changed
like if wazza had been a 2% stronger villager or if orange had been a 2% weaker wolf i think town could have still won

it was close which is unusual for final 5

True and thanks. :slight_smile: If only Wazza had listened to me but oh well.

what if I was 2% less coward

Indeed it was and the game didn’t end immediately upon the first vote which was cast by a villager.


you did good on day 1 but you gotta remember, being good at wolfing isn’t a sprint, it’s an endurance run


@Wazza Let this be a lesson to you. Always be willing to reevaluate in lylo if necessary.

what’s a better look for me

being right but dying and being bitter nobody else sees you were right

or being extremely wrong to the point of comedy

So if I had 110 less words in my wall we’d have lost? :worried:

Why not both

this is a nice change of pace from your

so probably that one

well i more just meant min was hard in town meta and as a wolf they would be breaking their wolfrange by like


min had more posts on the final day of this than during their entire last wolfgame

if wazza had seen this or put in the effort to read min’s last wolfgame they probably should have come to the conclusion they were town

i actually thought you were screwed when wendy outed as min

@katze give me the pfp

I mean

min’s last wolfgame was a light game with 25% of the postcap

so it makes sense that they would have fewer posts