[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!

I could not care less about your volume read on him. His posts are wolfy. Therefore I wolfread him. If you are going to refuse to look past the fact that just because he posted a wallpost doesn’t mean he’s locktown, I don’t know what to tell you, because he has said and done things that make no sense for villagers to do.


I am nowhere near acting*, Sorry.

im biased to thinking my eli read is right because I dont think ive misread him in our past like 10 games together.

He is playing in a very villagery way. That post he made about his worthless points was borderline unfakeable for him

His thoughts might be low level, hell even strawmanny, but they are still independant and show a thought process that makes him likelier to be town.

if i die tonight you’re not going to be klling eli. You’re not going to level yourself into thinking my read means nothing. He’s an incredibly easy ml if you know nothing about him. I am a very good reader of eli and he is almost certainly town. If hes wolf ill gladly look like an idiot but im confident hes not and frankly its kinda annoying that ur ignoring my confident read on him to go off into your own world.

If you think eli is wolf then actually fight me on the read instead of just calling it bad or wrong. You havent explained at all why my method of reading eli is bad or faulty, or that he’s able to produce those posts as wolf. Until you do that you aren’t touching him. This is all im going to say on the matter.

/vote Cabbage @Chloe
Answer my question, coward

I thought you were looking for specific statistics, sorry about that.
I’ve played a few games here and there, although I enjoy in-person mafia a little more.

It’s been so long since I originally asked that I can’t remember why I asked
But you took too long so if you’re town it’s your fault nod nod

quick, introduce him to clocktower

unlike Marshal who is well known for taking others reads into account

You dying won’t change my read at all regardless of what you flip, sorry. I have explained several times why I scumread Eli and all you’ve done is just ignore that. Your reasoning of Eli being town is invalid due to the fact that you cannot read someone solely based off of volume (unless in special cases, which Eli clearly isn’t) and you know that. Eli isn’t incapable of posting and existing as scum anymore and I’m so incredibly tired of you all acting like he is. He’s posted, he’s done things. It is not hard to post at all. It is not hard to look productive. I am looking directly at the content being posted and the content is bad as in wolfy and I simply am not going to ignore how he is wolfy and just excuse it because he posts a lot. Those posts you showed an example out of? Those literally even if they are/arent unfakeable they literally are NAI. The reason why I am ignoring your read is because if you couldn’t tell I heavily disagree with it. Im ignoring your read because you are ignoring everything I’ve said. I will continue to push him until he does something that somehow changes my mind which right now is unlikely. I have fought you on your read, and I explained just now why its faulty. Scum can be confused, scum can post about being unconfident.

stopped reading, am not engaging with this point further.

If i die and you continue to push eli (unless his posting drops off hard) im gonna fully postgame and dvc warrior, passive aggressive bitching and all.

Ive explained that hes very likely town and i have a track record of reading him well. if you dont take that into consideration then that is your problem.



did you even READ sfol 66 or shortnite 3 or whatever it was?

wow that sounds rude

I honestly really cannot be assed at this point, so lol.

I’ll just wait for everyone to realize that what I say actually does have value, whether that be later today or like a week.

Now to ISO arctic like I was supposed to a while ago.

@Arctic What do you think about my read on Eli? What’s your opinion on Marshal and Marl? Whats your opinion on me?

How much of Daisy’s unnatural behavior would you attribute to them using an alt (if they indeed are), and how much would you attribute to them being scum (if they indeed are)?

Unnatural behavior? What are you even talking about? What is even this question??