[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!

i desire naught but the gun

Okay, to be honest I donā€™t think Cabbage will flip Scum, just like how I thought that with Aelin yesterday, I canā€™t say for certain with Arctic but Arete is voting them so Iā€™m inclined to believe they will not either.

Personally, I think Wendy is scummy but I canā€™t exactly pinpoint it, I can say the same for Luxy as well although I havenā€™t played with him in a long time.

okay so who are the wolves pushing your wagon

ā€¦your entire reason for not voting Arctic is 'Arete is voting him and Arete scumcased Marshal overnight which therefore makes them a wolf??

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like Iā€™m not even super convinced Arctic is scum! my vote is on him because I donā€™t have another wagon I really want to shove through! but also. what even is that argument.

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no I literally said I donā€™t know if heā€™s scum or not

My reasoning for not voting him is ā€œI donā€™t know heā€™s scum and I think heā€™s less likely to be scum because of Arete anywayā€

okay but

youā€™re basing your entire thought process there on preflipping me as scum on the basis that I cased the nightkill and therefore have to be a wolf

Iā€™m not preflipping you as scum

Would you vote with the person you suspect the most?

Also youā€™re blowing this completely out of proportion. I donā€™t care about that, I care about how fake it looked.

the only thing that could possibly be construed as fake is the part that I ā€¦ literally admitted was fake ā€¦

No, Arete, itā€™s the tone. Something you wonā€™t understand if you wrote it truthfully or falsely.

I know I canā€™t get you killed today and better yet, I donā€™t really want too, which is why I want to move my vote, but anyone I want to move my vote too wonā€™t get killed today, so you get to enjoy my vote.

if youā€™re going to condescend to me Iā€™m not going to engage with you

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Iā€™m in a pretty lazy mood right now, so Iā€™ll just explain some of my reasons. If youā€™d like more in depth reasoning, Feel free to look at my ISO for a fairly large amount.

-Cabbage misrepresenting peoples arguments quite a lot and misrepresenting wagons for possible agenda. (The slots treatment of Emilia the one thing which could lead me towards a W/V Emilia/Cabbage world despite the fact I find some of the treatment to be strangely partnered on Emilias side Basically consisting of changing/strawmanning Emilias argument, blaming entire wagons and the actions of others on Emilia.)

-Strange hesitance of people going on their wagon today compared to yesterday, genuine resistance for their wagon compared to yesterday when there was little to none except at the last minutes of EOD.

-Iā€™ve also theyā€™ve stated they suspect/scumread people yet theyā€™ve called out Emilia for doing the same exact thing which seems hypocritical in a wolfy way to me. Of Course, I believe other reasons more solely due to the fact I donā€™t want to nitpick things about Cabbage.

ā€¦thatā€™s not condescending, thatā€™s me saying that you canā€™t tell your own tone in your messages because theyā€™re your messages?

Arete town wazza town
arctic scum gorta scum

okay nvm I reread what I put

I didnā€™t mean it in a condescending way, I literally just meant you wouldnā€™t be able to tell if you sounded fake or not as either town or wolf

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gorta is outposting me

I was gonna say. :sweat_smile: I will admit Wazza I read your post and thought it was a little offensive but then realize you wouldnā€™t use something like that against someone :disappointed_relieved: