[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!

What’re you planning on doing?

It’s a secret.

What are your thoughts on the current playerlist

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Wendy Luxy

Ketsu Hippo
Arctic Wazzarete Emilia
Eli Cabbage

Where I’m at, at this point.

Wazza Arete likely? Contains a wolf based off of their interactions honestly. I also just scumread Cabbage and Eli. This is known though, I think.

I probably should’ve put a slash but meh. Im on mobile rn.

Arctic Iso

(sorry for dipping, I had to go do family stuff)

(also this isn’t literally every post in Arctic’s Iso, just the important ones)

Arctic’s opener is pretty whatever, it’s a meme in the middle of meme phase. His response to the suggestion that he and Wendy could be partnery is kind of awkward though – it feels like he’s not really sure what to say and is trying to defuse the tension with a joke.

then he gets into a several-post argument about Eli’s meta which I think is pretty much entirely NAI. way longer than it needed to be regardless of his alignment, though.

this post confuses me

why is there a “despite” there

shouldn’t it being blatantly wrong make it more likely to be wolfy, not less likely to be wolfy

he argues with Ketsuban about it for a little, ending in this:

which I’m noting down to see if he ever actually follows up on it

apparently he does

which honestly makes me more nervous about the fact that I don’t remember this push at all but maybe he did keep it going and I just forgot

I guess we’ll find out


okay so I guess he does have a reason for backtracking on his Ketsuban read

the progression here is kind of nonexistent though? like he seemed really confident in it earlier in his Iso, saying things like ‘I claim the Ketsuban pelt,’ but here he backtracks on it without really explaining at all what he thought was villagery

here’s where Marl initially starts to push on him

his reaction starts out … okay? some of his initial points are reasonable? but it gets worse from there, like towards the end of it I feel like he’s misrepresenting what Marl’s point is with him being “reactionary”

then Hippo votes him and he posts the dude falling over GIF

I’m not really a fan of this, it feels like he doesn’t know how to respond to pressure so he’s making a joke out of it and hoping it’ll go away

I’m going to go check how he responded to pressure in Anni (he was wolf there) - it’s a little different since he was mostly being pushed there for general PoE reasons rather than specifically for being wolfy but it should be similar enough to be compared

okay so he starts out with deflecting/posting memes, including making a joke about posting the dude falling over GIF (although he doesn’t actually post the GIF) (at least I think it’s the same GIF?). He makes a pretty weak attempt to buy time by asking to get a shot off, and vaguely tries to defend himself, then when that doesn’t work he makes two WiFoMy posts about accepting his death

I think overall his response to Marl + Hippo has more similarities than differences, on the most surface level interpretation he literally had the dude falling over GIF reaction to the pressure, on a less surface level it felt in both cases like he didn’t really know how to respond to anything except the most concrete and directly refutable reasons for suspicion. the biggest difference is that there he was like ‘I accept my death if I have to die’ whereas here he hasn’t done that but I think that might partially be that there he was consensus to die whereas here it was mostly just Marl

I feel like Arctic has a lot of these commentary type posts where he makes a comment about the gamestate but doesn’t really use it to make reads or anything which is not a great look

??? (this is in response to the accusation that he was misrepping Marl’s accusation)

like I’m not sure why this would cause you to deliberately misrepresent a read

he has a lot of takes that I’m not individually responding to because they’re ~fine but not actively villagery (this was prompted by seeing yet another post arguing about Eli’s meta)

the first quote here is an okay/reasonable response and so is the second to last but the other ones kind of suck. also he uses the falling over dude GIF to deflect suspicion again.

the thoughts here are reasonably decent particularly w.r.t. the read on Cabbage – I disagree with that interpretation of Cabbage’s post but it’s a reasonably nuanced point to think of which tends to be villagery

idk I don’t really think Arctic has been aggressive so far to this point in his ISO

this readlist sure is made of words

nothing glaringly weird about it but also not substantive enough to be even potentially villagery

I guess this could partially explain the lack of aggression in V!Arctic worlds?

this is a reasonable + villagery thought (even though Gorta was town), it has a fairly nuanced level of thought about Gorta’s read on Aelin that I think would be moderately hard to fake

saying “fuck it” before the vote feels kind of performative + ime it’s somewhat >rand W

the followup on his post on Gorta also looks ~decent

like it’s a read he actually had/maintained rather than one he had just made up on the spot to look villagery

Arctic doesn’t really explain this as far as I can tell and Marl’s posts in context seem fine? this feels like OMGUS that’s pretending to not be OMGUS

I don’t want to get preflippy but Arctic giving a bunch of reasons why the Wendy slot is Mafia and then immediately being like ‘but we shouldn’t kill it today’ feels like it could be W/W distancing

he spends basically his entire EoD talking about Aelin and almost none of it discussing the other wagons (like Cabbages), I can’t really quote individual posts to prove that he wasn’t talking about other players but I think it’s suspicious (regardless of Cabbage’s alignment) that he was so focused on Aelin and not at all on trying to evaluate Cabbage’s alignment, it doesn’t feel like he was trying to legitimately solve both wagons


this is another example of the thing I mentioned earlier where he makes commentary type posts but doesn’t really say what they mean for the gamestate, he’s like ‘oh the Marshal kill is weird. here are some reasons it could have happened’ but doesn’t actually make an attempt to figure out which reason is correct, he’s just posting for the sake of posting

this + some of his other posts on Emilia earlier kind of feel like he was TMIing Emilia V? tbf he did have Emilia as a top townread but he’s posting like he knows her alignment

…after writing the above comment I then scrolled down and saw this

which I also really disliked at the time, how he was trying to deflect a legitimate accusation by “jokingly” openwolfing

this post is a little villagery (specifically the part about wanting to fuel his ego)

I remember thinking that this post made sense to me at the time

this take is kind of meh, like, he says that wolves are pushing his wagon but then hedges on who they actually are

he also says that Hippo is the most likely but doesn’t really make an attempt to look into Hippo further, or to case/push him

I liked this (+ surrounding) posts at the time but re-reading them it’s basically just knocking Wazza’s playstyle and while I agree with the criticisms of her playstyle it’s an extremely easy post to make regardless of either of their respective alignments

his level of confidence in Gorta being W near EoD is probably a decent look, it feels like he actually believes the read

…except then he randomly CFDs Wazza despite spending all day pushing Gorta?? this makes no sense. with how strongly he was pushing Gorta I don’t understand why, as V, he wouldn’t just keep pushing Gorta, rather than starting a vanity wagon for IMO flimsier reasons. He also barely makes an attempt to push the Wazza wagon through, only makes a couple of posts saying to support it.


to be honest none of his posts from today really made an impression on me

I vaguely think that he would have had a stronger reaction to the fact that the person who had been deathtunnelling him died overnight as town since that would presumably indicate that something weird is going on

also, I’m just going to bring up again that Marl dying was a really bad look for him, if Arctic is town and wolves wanted Marl dead it would be easy to just … give him the gun and let him shoot Arctic


Overall, Arctic is probably a wolf. Although he has a few points of micro towniness or villagery insight, there are also a lot of things that are really concerning – IMO the biggest ones are his response to pressure + the random hop away from Gorta at EoD after strongly scumreading him, but there are a lot of individual moments that I found concerning that outweighed the thoughts that were townie. I’m also just not seeing the Classic Town Arctic Play this game (mostly w.r.t. him being kind of obnoxious about tunnels – even when he’s had strong pushes he hasn’t really been obnoxious about them).

does anyone have any questions

I just spent several hours on it so it’s fresh in my mind

Actually a really good post

Who is he teamed with

I’m bad at preflips but some of his interactions with Wendy looked kind of sketchy, particularly the bit where he was like ‘here are a bunch of reasons why I think the Wendy slot is Mafia’ and then was like ‘but I don’t want to kill them today’ and then literally never mentioned the read again or allowed it to influence his later readlists

Damn I have been townreading Wendy for most of the game

I think Ketamine might be a wolf, what are your thoughts on this?

with the knowledge that she’s Mist I’m not super seeing it, she’s had several points that have seemed genuine/not things she would fake as scum + I liked her progression on Hippo + I thought her read on me was reasonably nuanced in a way that I think she would find difficult to fake

Ack I don’t know what to do

Hey everyone! A bit of a slank cover - I won’t be able to do much today, since I will be out with friends most of the day.

Luxy I see you’re here - hope you’ve read my opinions on the shot. And frankly, that’s all the opinion I have; regardless of who you shoot we will have two confirmed slots we can work with.

Looking with fresh eyes, I rescind my suspicion on ketsuban - I think their line of thinking, wanting to execute wazza especially, would come from a village slot.

Any questions for me before I head out?

what do you think of Arctic?

I currently have them as one of my top townreads, although I haven’t had time to look through their recent postings. From what I could tell they were getting pushed on for no reason mid-d2, leading me to believe it was a village slot.

can you read my Iso of him

I’m halfway through it, sorry I got a cramp while scrolling

I’ve read your ISO, and found something that intrigues me.

It is true that they were sitting on the sidelines at times, but I had brushed those off since he had made some solid argumetns (regarding Wazza and Gorta if I recall correctly?). They generally came off as a memey, sort of a jokester-like character, that brushes off accusations and openwolves with comfort, since they know that they are town.

However, I do see similarities from the game you have given as example. So here’s my question: is my evaluation of them correct and do they do this every game, or is it something specific to them being scum? Could you give an example of their recent town game?