[Gamemode Idea] Siege on the Xed 2.1.1 (SFoL exclusive content)

What is this Siege on the Xed thingy? GKIcon

As I did a terrible job explaining this gamemode previously.
You are not in Castle Adiart and everything is completely rethemed.
All aboard. Ship Xed, which houses the Green Kraken. A pirate faction that is friendly towards the Blue Dragon. With similar classes to BD (and some unique ones)

Well, the Unseen or Cult have decided that Castle Adiart is out of their reach to conquer, so what is the second best option to take over? None other than a pirate ship. Pirate ships are cool.

There are entirely new threats on this pirate ship. A sick person with a deadly disease to psychopathic cabin boys sweeping up the floors. Even venomous snakes that poison you.

Gameplay and Name Changes:

  • The King is now named The Captain.
  • The game is now set on a Pirate Ship instead of the usual Castle.
  • There is no Blue Dragon, instead having a new main faction called the Green Kraken.
  • All new classes.
  • Plunder Abilities which are 1 time use special abilities which you gain by successfully plundering.

What is a Plunder?

Plunders are a new game event present in this gamemode. It will appear randomly every 2-3 days. All players will select one player to go and collect a special ability which will make them absent for the day, night and the next day. On return they will be presented with a new ability. You can only plunder once in a game.
You will not be counted towards majority if you are plundering. You will be unable to vote, speak or be visited while you are out on a plunder.

Class Cards

The Green Kraken:


The Bard :shield:

Green Kraken Social
Song of the Dead (Passive) - You can talk to the dead at night anonymously.
Song of Privacy (Day) - You will be able to talk to the targeted player for today, you are unable to speak to the rest of the crew though. - 3 uses
Song of Voices (Night) - Input a 1000 character message that will be sent anonymously the next day. - 2 uses
Song of Reading (Night) - Target a player, they will be able to send you a 1000 character message through the host. You can also send a 1000 character message through the host to them, they will also be able to talk to the dead. - Infinite uses
Song of Reading Verse 2 (Plunder | Night) - Link 2 people tonight, they will both be able to talk to the dead they will be able to send you a 1000 character message through the host. They cannot see each other’s message. You are able to send separate 1000 character messages to each of them.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

Converts into The Versifier or The Apostle
Cult Points: 3 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alts:
(Song of Privacy) Song of Summoning (Day) - You will be able to talk to the targeted player for today, you are unable to speak to the rest of the crew though. - 2 uses
(Song of Voices): Song of Mithras’ Vocals (Night) - Input a 1000 character message that will be sent anonymously the next day.
(Song of Reading Verse 2) Song of the Puppeteer of Corax (Plunder | Day) - You will take over the worker’s body tonight. If the First Mate feeds his worker to the sharks, the worker will believe they were killed at night.

The Cooper

Green Kraken Offensive
I’m Busy Here (Passive) - Immune to being occupied at night.
Rat Poisoning (Day) - Poison the Captain’s food. The captain will die after 2 nights. You will take your own life as well the if they were a Good Captain. - 1 use
Surprise Meal (Night) - Occupy a player at night. - Infinite uses
Barrel-up (Night): - Occupy a player tonight bypassing any occupy immunities. - 2 uses
Barrel Drop: (Plunder | Night) - Occupies a player for 2 nights in a row, bypassing occupy immunities and does not count towards occupy immunity.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

Converts into The Exploiter or The Invoker
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alts:
(Rat Poisoning): Divine Poison (Day) - Poison the Captain’s food. The Captain will die in 2 nights. If the Captain is a Devout Captain, you will commit suicide. You will not be able to be sacrificed either. - 1 use
(Barrel Drop) Barrel of Mithras: (Plunder | Night) - Occupies a player for 2 nights in a row, bypassing occupy immunities and does not count towards occupy immunity.

The Deck Hand

Green Kraken Support
Wall Off (Night) - The targeted player will not be able to be visited tonight. - Infinite uses
True Pirates Only (Night) - Only Green Kraken are able to visit your targeted player tonight. - 2 uses
Dispenser (Plunder | Night) - All the targeted player’s abilities with charges will be fully recharged. (Doesn’t work on a First Mate who executed a GK or a Scientist) (You will be occupied
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

Converts into The Engineer or The Ritualist
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alts:
(True Pirates Only) Wall of Corax Only Cult members are able to visit your targeted player tonight. - 2 uses
(Dispenser) Magical Reboot (Plunder | Day) - Target Cultist will regain all ability charges, if targeting CL, Eradicate will gain 3 extra uses.

The First Mate :crossed_swords: :shield:

Green Kraken Killer
Leader Characteristics (Passive) - If the Captain dies, you may become the next captain by stating “I shall be the Captain” in the thread.
Can’t Mess With Me (Passive) - Immune to occupation at night.
Punish (Day) - Choose a player to scrub the deck at night occupying the target. You both will be able to send each other a single 1000 character message through the host - Infinite Uses
Shark Food (Night) - Kill the person who is currently working for you (bypasses night immunity). If the target is a Green Kraken you will not be allowed to feed to the sharks again. - 3 uses
Interrogate (Plunder | Night) - Find your worker’s exact class, you will also be alerted if they have been converted in the future if they are convertable.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

Convert Immune

The Good Captain :crossed_swords: :shield:

Green Kraken Special
Pirate Instinct (Passive) - A new Captain may arise when you die.
Mighty Argghh (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Captain’s Words (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Ready Cannons? (Day) - You may change the result of a trial. - 1 use
Pirate Guards (Night) - Choose a player, they will be night immune tonight (Includes you) - 6 uses starting Captain | 4 uses not starting
Payraise (Night) - Gift a player a guard for the rest of the game, this guard will take the first negative action coming toward them. - 1 use
Yerr Captain’s Bored (Night) - Force a plunder to happen the next day, can only be used if a plunder isn’t already happening. - 1 use
Sabotage (Night) - Make the current plunder fail, not giving the player their plunder ability. Can only be used while a plunder is occurring. - 1 use
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

Convert Immune

The Gunslinger

Green Kraken Killer
Cannons Away (Night) - Target a player, if they are a Green Kraken, you will commit suicide instead. Cannot use until N3 - Infinite uses
Surprise Cannon (Night) - You will become death and conversion immune tonight, any attackers will be publicly announced the next morning. - 3 uses
Extra Cannons (Plunder | Night) - Instantly kill a target bypassing night immunity.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

Converts into The Outlaw or The Invoker
Cult Alts:
Cult Points: 1 - Each ability costs: 1
(Cannons Away) Corax Cannonball - Target player and self will both be killed. Your death will count as a sacrifice. - 1 use
(Surprise Cannon) Cannon of Mithras - The Cult will become immune to attacks, any attackers will be publicly announced and will die if they can suicide. Gunslingers and will also believe they committed suicide. - 1 use
(Extra Cannons) Unaware Blood (Plunder | Day) - Kill two targets tonight. You will die too, you cannot use this ability while being sacrificed.

The Navigator

Green Kraken Investigative
Leader Characteristics (Passive) - If the Captain dies, you may become the next captain by stating “I shall be the Captain” in the thread.
Fly, Parrot, Fly! (Night) - Watch someone to see who visits them and who they visit - Infinite uses
Telescope (Night) - See targeted player’s faction - 2 uses
Extra Crackers (Plunder | Night) - Target a player, you will see who they visit and who visited, this will also show what one other player did while visiting your target. (Does not show conversions)
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

Converts into The Onlooker or The Seeker
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alts:
(Telescope) Vulture’s Eye - See the player’s exact class - 2 uses
Too Many Crackers - Target a player, you will see the exact class of your target along with one other player who visited your target’s class.

The Plunder Organiser :shield:

Green Kraken Offensive
Leader Characteristics (Passive) - If the Captain dies, you may become the next captain by stating “I shall be the Captain” in the thread.
Boredom (Day) - Force a plunder to happen now. - 1 use
Yaaargh Miserable (Day) - Disable someone’s ability to step up to go plundering. - 2 uses
Hijack (Night) - Makes the current plunder fail. Not giving the person their plunder ability. - 2 uses
Secretive Plunder (Plunder | Night) - You will give out a private request for another player to go plundering. It will fail without your knowledge if they are a threat towards the Green Kraken. They will be unable to be voted up or visited during this time.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

Converts into The Entrepreneur or The Invoker
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alts:
(Secretive Plunder) Seeking Mithras (Plunder | Night) - You will give out a private request for any current living Cult member (doesn’t count you) to go plundering. They will be unable to be voted up or visited during this time.

The Private Investigator :crossed_swords:

Green Kraken Investigative
Searchlight (Day) - Will show how many living Unseen members are in the game (not including Evil Captain). - 1 use
Inspect (Night) - Determine if the player is a member of the Unseen - Infinite Uses
Hot or Cold (Plunder | Night) - If the target you investigate tonight is not suspicious, the investigate will show you how close you are to an Unseen member on the join list.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

Converts into The Information Stealer. Does not appear in Cult Games

The Quarter Master

Green Kraken Social
Leader Characteristics (Passive) - If the Captain dies, you may become the next captain by stating “I shall be the Captain” in the thread. You still have this passive on conversion.
Peer Pressure (Day) - Force a player to vote for another and prevent further voting from them. - 2 uses
Protection (Day) - Protect someone from further accusations of treason for the day. Cannot be used on the same person twice. - 2 uses
Law of the Seven Seas (Night) - Prevent a player from accusing anyone or voting tomorrow - Infinite uses
Guilty As Charged (Night) - A player will not get their 1000 character defence on their next accusation - 1 use
Argggh You Kidding Me? (Plunder | Day) - Decide an accused player’s fate.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

Converts into The Dictator or The Apostle
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alts:
(Argggh You Kidding Me?) Rig of Corax (Plunder | Day) - Decide an accused player’s fate.

The Sailor

Green Kraken Investigative
Underwater Drone (Night) - Shows the player’s class type along with a random fake class type - Infinite uses
Flare Out At Sea (Night) - See a random night result that came up on target player. You will not see kills or conversions - 4 uses
Flare Out In The Ocean (Plunder | Night) - Shows the exact class of a visitor to you only.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

Converts into The Buccaneer or The Seeker
Cult Alts:
Cult Points: 1 - Each ability costs: 1
(Underwater Drone) Drone of Mithras (Night) - Show target player’s class type. - Infinite uses
(Flare Out At Sea) Light of Mithras (Night) - Make targeted player show up as Cult to investigatives tonight. You will also see a random night result that came up on target player. You will not see kills or conversions - 4 uses
(Flare Out In The Ocean) Flare of Mithras (Plunder | Night) - Shows the exact classes of everyone who visits you to all the current Cult members.

The Scientist

Green Kraken Support
Pirate With An Education - Immune to poison.
Improvement (Day) - Make targeted player immune to poison. - 1 use
Robotic Healer (Night) - Heal someone from wounds or poison- Infinite uses
Otherworldly Techniques (Night) - Resurrect a dead Green Kraken player as a Skeletal Snakekeeper. They will die in 3 nights. - 1 use
Robotic Triplets (Plunder | Night) - You can heal 2 other players tonight. You will be night immune. Your heals from now on will also bypass reaps.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

Converts into The Plagiarist or The Ritualist
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alts:
(Robotic Healer) Corax’s Robot Servant (Night) - Heal a Cult member from wounds or poison or let them survive one sacrifice. - 1 use
(Otherworldly Techniques) Disguise (Night) - Targeted player’s class will show up as specified class on death. - 2 uses
(Robotic Triplets/Otherworldly Techniques) Resurface of Corax (Plunder | Night) - Resurrect a dead Cult player as a Blood Skeleton, they will die in 2 nights.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Skeletal Snakekeeper

Green Kraken Killer
Undead (Passive) - You appear dead to all other forum members. You cannot talk to the living or vote.
Rotting (Passive) - Dies 2 nights after being revived. Cannot step forward to become the captain or go plundering.
Snake Guard (Night) - Send a snake to someone to kill off any attackers (will bypass night immunity) - 2 uses
Send Cobra (Night) - Instantly kill a target, if they are Green Kraken you will die too. - 1 use

Convert Immune

The Snakekeeper

Green Kraken Killer
Snake Venom (Day) - Poison target player. They will die in 2 nights - 2 uses
Ghillie Suit (Day) - You will be immune to death tonight. - 1 use
Snake Guard (Night) - Target a player, any attackers will be killed off (will bypass night immunity) - Infinite uses
Cobra Guards (Plunder | Night) - Guard 2 players tonight. You will be night immune. (will bypass night immunity)
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

Converts into The Serpent or The Invoker
Cult Alts:
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
(Snake Fangs) Worm Venom (Day) - Poison target player. They will die in 2 nights. The second use of this ability will expend a use of the Cult Leader’s “Injection” - 2 uses
(Snake Guard) Worm of Death (Night) - Anyone who attacks a Cult member tonight will die, Snakekeepers or Gunslingers will believe they committed suicide. - 1 use
(Cobra) Ultimate Sacrifice (Plunder | Night) - Kill a target, bypassing night immunity and heals, sacrificing yourself to Mithras while killing the target. Bypasses night immunity.

The Stealthy :crossed_swords:

Green Kraken Investigative
Quick as a Flash (Passive) - Will not appear to be visiting targets.
Cult Admittance (Day) - Tonight, show who was sacrificed to Mithras. - 2 uses
Swift Check (Night) - Determine if targeted player is a member of the Cult - Infinite uses
Ninja Attack (Plunder | Night) - Select a target, you and them will be night immune for the night. Any Cult members visiting you or them will die.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

Converts into The Seeker. Does not appear in Unseen games
Cult Points: 1 - Each ability costs 1
Cult Alts:
(Cult Admittance) Mate Admittance (Day) - Tonight. you can see the First Mate’s conversation with the worker. - 1 use
(Swift Check) Mithras Check (Night) - If target player is Green Kraken. Their exact class will be shown to you - Infinite uses
(Ninja Attack) Cultist Attack (Plunder | Night) - Instantly kill anyone who is a class of your choosing bypassing night immunity and heals. Cannot target Neutral Killers.

The Treasure Keeper

Green Kraken Offensive
On Watch (Passive) - Immune to being occupied at night.
Leader Characteristics (Passive) - If the Captain dies, you may become the next captain by stating “I shall be the Captain” in the thread. You still have this passive on conversion.
Tax Collect (Day) - Remove someone’s use of day abilities. (Will not work on classes without day abilties) - 3 uses
Money Talks (Night) - Occupy a player at night. - Infinite uses
Bribe (Night) - Make a player target another player (can be yourself). Any converts or attacks you redirect will not work. - 3 uses
Extra Money (Plunder | Night) - Make a player target another specific player, investigative results will return to you. Abilities with no target will fail and return the charge.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

Converts into The Scrooge or The Invoker
Cult Alts
(Extra Money) Mithras is in Control (Plunder | Night) - Make a player target another specific player, you will know exactly what they did and investigative results will return to you. Abilities with no target will fail and return the charge.

The Unseen:


The Assassin :crossed_swords: :shield:

Unseen Killer
Nightshade (Day) - Poison target player, they will die after 2 nights. Bypassing death immunity unless they are healed by a Scientist or Alchemist. - 4 uses (shared)
Distract (Day) - - Distract a player, rendering them unable to any day abilities for the rest of the day. - 1 use
Assassinate (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
2-For-1 (Night): - Kill two players tonight. - 1 use
Forage (Plunder | Automatic) - Gain another use of 2-For-1.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Buccaneer

Unseen Investigative
Underwater Drone (Night) - Shows target player’s exact class. - 2 uses
Flare Out At Sea (Night) - Make target player show up as a member of the Unseen to investigative results. You will also be able to see a random night result that came up on target player. You will not be able to see kills or conversions - 4 uses
Flare Out In The Ocean (Plunder | Night) - Shows the exact classes of everyone who visits you tonight to all the current living Unseen members.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Dictator

Unseen Social
Leader Characteristics (Passive) - If the Captain dies, you may become the next captain by stating “I shall be the Captain” in the thread. You still have this passive on conversion.
Peer Pressure (Day) - Force a player to vote for another and prevent further voting from them. - 2 uses
Protection (Day) - Protect someone from further accusations of treason for the day. Cannot be used on the same person twice. - 2 uses
Law of the Seven Seas (Night) - Prevent a player from accusing anyone or voting tomorrow - Infinite uses
Guilty As Charged (Night) - A player will not get their 1000 character defence on their next accusation - 1 use
Argggh You Kidding Me? (Plunder | Day) - Decide an accused player’s fate.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Engineer

Unseen Support
Wall Off (Night) - Targeted Unseen member will be unable to be visited. - Infinite uses
Scare (Night) - Only the Unseen will be able to visit your targeted player tonight. - 2 uses
Gatling Gun (Plunder | Day/Night) - The Assassin will become occupy and redirect immune for the next two nights. You can choose if the Assassin appears occupy immune.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Entrepreneur :shield:

Unseen Offensive
Leader Characteristics (Passive) - If the Captain dies, you may become the next captain by stating “I shall be the Captain” in the thread. You still have this passive on conversion.
Boredom (Day) - Force a plunder to happen now. - 1 use
Yaaargh Miserable (Day) - Disable someone’s ability to step up to go plundering. - 2 uses
Hijack (Night) - Makes the current plunder fail. Not giving the person their plunder ability. - 2 uses
Secretive Plunder (Plunder | Night) - You will give out a private request for either the Mastermind or Assassin to plunder. They will be unable to be voted up or visited during this time.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Evil Captain :crossed_swords: :shield:

Unseen Special
Pirate Instinct (Passive) - A new Captain may arise when you die.
Mighty Argghh (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Captain’s Words (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Ready Cannons? (Day) - You may change the result of a trial. - 1 use
Pirate Guards (Night) - Choose a player, they will not die tonight (Includes you) - 4 uses
Scheme (Night) - Make target player appear as Green Kraken this night when investigated. - 1 use
Yerr Captain’s Bored (Night) - Force a plunder to happen the next day, can only be used if a plunder isn’t already happening. - 1 use (only for starting captain)
Sabotage (Night) - Make the current plunder fail, not giving the player their plunder ability. Can only be used while a plunder is occurring. - 1 use (only for starting captain)
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Exploiter

Unseen Offensive
I’m Busy Here (Passive) - Immune to being occupied and redirected at night.
Barrel Blockage (Night) - Occupy a player at night. - Infinite uses
Barrel Toss (Night) - Occupy any players who visit targeted player tonight. - 2 uses (Can target self)
Barrel Drop (Plunder | Night) - Occupies a player for 2 nights in a row, bypassing occupy immunities and does not count towards occupy immunity.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Information Stealer

Unseen Investigative
Scavenge (Day) - Find out the next player to use a day ability. - 3 uses
Underdeck (Day) - Sneak under the deck to go hear The First Mate’s conversation. You will not appear at the Unseen meeting. - 1 use
Inquest (Night) - If targeted player is Green Kraken. You will be able to see their class. - Infinite uses
Fact Cover (Plunder | Night) - The targeted’s logbook will only be able to be read by the Unseen when they die, their class will show up as a random non unique Green Kraken class.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Mastermind :crossed_swords: :shield:

Unseen Special
Can’t Touch This (Passive) - You cannot be killed at night.
Lurking Presence (Passive) - If you are killed within the first 3 nights. The assassin will take your place as the Mastermind, you appear as a Green Kraken for those 3 nights.
Dirty Work (Day) - If there are no Unseen members left, you can become the Assassin at the beginning of the night.
Convert (Night) - Convert a player to the Unseen. - 1 night cooldown on success
Foresight (Night): - Determine a player’s converted class type or if they cannot be converted. - 4 uses
Time Travel (Plunder | Automatic) - Determines exactly what class the player will be converted into or class if not covertable.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Onlooker

Unseen Investigative
Leader Characteristics (Passive) - If the Captain dies, you may become the next captain by stating “I shall be the Captain” in the thread. You still have this passive on conversion.
Fly, Seagull, Fly! (Night) - Target a player, you will see who they visited and who visited them… - 2 uses
Dark Squark (Night) - Target a player, the Unseen will be told the target’s exact class - 2 uses
Too Many Crackers (Plunder | Night) - Will show your target’s exact class along with one other player who visited your target’s class.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Outlaw

Unseen Investigative
Unfounded Guess (Night) - An exact class that is in the current game will show to you. (Cannot be a guaranteed class or a class that has already been shown to you) - Infinite uses
Hold Hostage (Night) - Target a player, the Unseen will be told the target’s exact class - 2 use
Founded Guess (Plunder | Night) - Pick a class from the class list, you will find everyone who is that specific class.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Plagiarist

Unseen Offensive
Pirate With An Education - Immune to poison.
Poison With A Side of Healing (Day) - Make a player believe they are nightshade poisoned. They will also believe they were healed tonight. - 3 uses
Disguise Beam (Night) - If the targeted player dies tonight, they will appear as the chosen class. Logs will also appear blank. - 2 uses
Skeletal Serpent (Plunder | Night) - Resurrect a dead Unseen player as a Skeletal Serpent, they will die in 2 nights.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Scrooge

Unseen Offensive
On Watch (Passive) - Immune to being occupied at night.
Leader Characteristics (Passive) - If the Captain dies, you may become the next captain by stating “I shall be the Captain” in the thread. You still have this passive on conversion.
Tax Collect (Day) - Remove someone’s use of day abilities. (Will not work on classes without day abilties)
Money Talks (Night) - Occupy a player at night. - Infinite uses
Bribe (Night): - Make a player target another player (can be yourself). Any converts or attacks you redirect will not work. - 3 uses
Extra Money (Plunder | Night) - Make a player target another specific player, you will know what they did and investigative results will return to you. Abilities with no target will fail and return the charge.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Sellsword

Unseen Support
Stonewall (Night) - Protect an Unseen member and prevent others from visiting.
Revenge (Night) - Kill a player that accused an Unseen member of treason during the day.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Serpent

Unseen Killer
Serpent Venom (Day) - Make target player poisoned. They will die in 2 nights unless healed, the second use of this will expend a use of the Assassin’s “Nightshade” - 2 uses
Snake Steal (Day) - Target player cannot use day abilities. (Won’t work on classes without day abilities) - 2 uses
Serpent Guard (Night) - Defend the Unseen for the night, killing any attackers. - 1 use
Serpent Trickery (Night) - Send a snake to a person, it will appear that their ability worked but they are actually occupied, investigative results will show as nothing important - Infinite uses
Serpent Tails (Plunder | Night) - Anyone who visits any Unseen member for the night will be occupied for 2 nights.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Skeletal Serpent

Unseen Killer
Undead (Passive) - You appear dead to all other forum members. You cannot talk to the living or vote.
Rotting (Passive) - Dies 2 nights after being revived. Cannot step forward to become the captain or go plundering.
Serpent Guard (Night) - Defend the Unseen for the night, killing any attackers. - 1 use
Serpent Venom (Night) - Kill the target player. - 1 use
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Versifier

Unseen Social
Song of Demons (Passive) - Allows the Unseen to communicate with it’s dead members.
Song of Privacy (Day) - You will be able to talk to the targeted player for today, you are unable to speak to the rest of the crew though. - 3 uses
Song of Voices (Night) - Input a 1000 character message that will be sent anonymously the next day. - 2 uses
Song of Darkness (Night) - Make all Unseen members appear as Green Kraken in Investigative results. - 2 uses
Song of Dark Matter (Plunder | Day) - You will take over the worker’s body for the night. If the First Mate feeds his worker to the sharks, the worker will believe they were killed at night.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Cult:


Cult Convert Plunder Abilities are free.

The Apostle

Cult Social
Dark Words (Passive) While you live, living and dead Cult members can communicate at night.
Mind Warp (Day) - - 2 uses.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Blood Skeleton

Cult Killing
Undead (Passive) - You appear dead to all other forum members. You cannot talk to the living or vote.
Rotting (Passive) - Dies 2 nights after being revived. Cannot step forward to become the captain or go plundering.
Skeletal Armor (Night) - Defend the Cult for the night, killing any attackers. - 1 use
Flaming Skull (Night) - Kill the target player. - 1 use
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Cult Leader :shield: :crossed_swords:

Cult Special
Train (Passive) - At any point before the start of the first night, you may message the GM and choose the Cult alts that the Cult class that spawned with you will receive, based on a non-unique class they can be converted from. If you do not choose the Cult alts, they will receive a random valid set.
Blood of Mithras (Day) - Sacrifice a Cult member to gain 2 uses of Eradicate - Infinite uses
Injection (Day) - Poison targeted player. They will die in two nights. - 4 uses (shared)
Brainwash (Night) - Attempt to convert a player to the Cult - 1 night cooldown
Eradicate (Night) - Kill two players at once - 2 uses
Like a Counterpart (Plunder | Auto) - You will appear as Green Kraken to investigative results for the rest of the game.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Devout Captain :crossed_swords: :shield:

Cult Special
Pirate Instinct (Passive) - A new Captain may arise when you die.
Mighty Argghh (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Captain’s Words (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Ready Cannons? (Day) - You may change the result of a trial. - 1 use
Pirate Guards (Night) - Choose a player, they will not die tonight (Includes you) - 4 uses
Dark Gods Hat (Night) - Choose a dead Cultist and select a living player. Depending on the Cultist class is the effect of this ability. - 1 use
Yerr Captain’s Bored (Night) - Force a plunder to happen the next day, can only be used if a plunder isn’t already happening. - 1 use
Sabotage (Night) - Make the current plunder fail, not giving the player their plunder ability. Can only be used while a plunder is occurring. - 1 use
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

Dark Gods Crown Effect
Seeker - You learn of the players Class type
Ritualist - You will prevent visits to the player
Invoker - The player will be occupied
Apostle - The player will be given incorrect feedback
Cult Leader - The player will be framed
Devout Captain - Receive an extra Ready Cannons?

The Invoker

Cult Offensive
Fanatic (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Bewilder (Day) - Prevent targeted player from using day abilities - 1 use
Strings of Mithras (Night) - Control a player, choosing who they target tonight. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Ritualist

Cult Support
Will of Mithras (Passive) - If you are sacrificed, the Cult Leader’s Eradicate ability will gain an extra charge
Brotherhood (Night) - Make all Cult members appear as Green Kraken tonight. - 1 use
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Seeker

Cult Offensive
Expose (Day) - Find out the next player to use a day ability. - 1 use
Identify (Night) - Identify the player’s faction - 2 uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken and any Neutrals who stand against you



The Alchemist

Neutral Support
Coagulate (Passive) - Immune to Nightshade.
Stoneskin Poison (Day) - Make yourself night immune tonight - 4 uses
Crimson Potion (Night) - Heal someone from wounds or poison.
Emerald Potion (Night) - Poison a player, killing them - 2 uses
I created some Gold! (Plunder | Auto) - Crimson Potions will prevent reaper attacks and emerald potions will bypass night immunity from now on. You will also gain 2 more stoneskin potions.
Your objective is to remain alive until the game ends

Convert Immune

The Begrudged Captain :crossed_swords: :shield:

Neutral Special
Arggh! (Passive) - Immune to occupation at night and night immune. Additionally your vote will count as two.
Pirate Instinct (Passive) - A new Captain may arise when you die.
Captain’s Words (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Ready Cannons? (Day) - You may change the result of a trial. - 1 use
Decoy (Night) - Send a guard to frame your target. - 1 use
Your wincon is exactly what you had before

Convert Immune

Crowned from

  • Scorned

The Cowardly Captain :crossed_swords: :shield:

Neutral Special
Unpredictable (Passive) - Your votes will count as two.
Voice of the Coward (Passive) - If you die at night, you will choose a successor from the grave who will be instantly made Captain and you will win if they survive.
Captain’s Words (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Ready Cannons? (Day) - You may change the result of a trial. - 1 use
Pirate Guards (Night) - Choose a player, they will be night immune tonight (Includes you) - 6 uses starting captain | 4 uses not starting
Emerald Execution (Night) - Attack a player, this will bypass night immunity. - 2 uses
Yerr Captain’s Bored (Night) - Force a plunder to happen the next day, can only be used if a plunder isn’t already happening. - 1 use, only starting captain has this
Sabotage (Night) - Make the current plunder fail, not giving the player their plunder ability. Can only be used while a plunder is occurring. - 1 use, only starting captain has this
Your objective is to either have you or the successor you chose from the grave survive.

Convert Immune

Edited a tiny bit by me.

Crowned from

  • Alchemist

The Demon

Neutral Killer
Cloak Of Mithras (Passive) - Immune to death and occupation at night
Haemophilia (Day) - Increases the power of Funeral Pyre at night, - 1 Day Cooldown - 3 uses
Funeral Pyre (Night) - Set your target ablaze. If Haemophilia is used, anyone who comes in contact with the target is eaten alive by the half-melted corpse. - Infinite uses
Hell’s Rupture (Plunder | Night) - Summon flames from hell, killing your target and causing anybody who is visiting your target to die, bypassing all forms of protection.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon, the Unseen, the Cult and any Neutrals who stand in your way

Convert Immune

Credit to Bounty.
Credit to @Strangle for the Plunder ability

The Druid

Neutral Killer
Wall of Nature (Passive) - You are immune to death and poison.
Root Network (Passive) - The roots will prevent you from visiting someone if it would lead to your death. Players whose rooms have been rooted will investigate as ‘Your targets room is damaged by roots!’ to all investigatives for the first two nights they are rooted alongside their usual investigative result.
Judgement of the Wild (Day) - Publicly mark someone, you will gain a use of Constricting Roots if they aren’t dead by the next day. - Infinite uses, 1 day cooldown
Rune of Growth (Day) - Spreading Roots can target two people tonight. - Infinite uses, 1 day cooldown
Spreading Roots (Night) - Curl roots around a player’s room. - Infinite uses
Constricting Roots (Night) - Kill all players that are rooted. - 0 uses
Indoor Jungle (Plunder | Night) - All players who visit target player along with the player tonight will be entangled in vines. They will not know that they were entangled.
Your objective is to eliminate the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and all others who seek to corrupt nature.

Convert Immune

Credit to Icibalus

The Electrocutioner

Neutral Killer
Static Shield (Passive) - You are immune to death at night.
Discharge (Day) - A public announcement will be made to the court that “The Electrocutioner is using Discharge!”. If you are still alive at the end of the night, all charged players will be killed (Bypasses death immunity). - Infinite uses, 2 day cooldown
Charge (Night) - Apply a static charge to a player. Anyone they visit tonight will also become charged, and you will know who they are. - Infinite uses
C4 Bomb (Plunder | Night) - Kill target player, bypassing night immunity while static charging any players they visit and all players who visit them. You will know who your target visited and who visited them.

Credit to Unoski and Vulgard

The Fanatical Captain :shield:

Neutral Special
Devotion of Failure (Passive) - Immune to occupation at night, if your target dies, you will become a Cowardly Captain. Additionally your vote will count as two.
Pirate Instinct (Passive) - A new Captain may arise when you die.
Captain’s Words (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Ready Cannons? (Day) - You may change the result of a trial. - 1 use
Pirate Guards (Night) - Choose a player, they will be night immune tonight (Includes you) - 4 uses
Appointed Guards (Night) - Protect your target without the use of Pirate Guards - Infinite uses
Your objective is to ensure that your target remains alive until the end of the game

Convert Immune

The Fool

Neutral Social
Poor Fellow (Passive) - If you are executed by the court, those who accused you of treason will be unable to vote at all for the following day. Those blocked from voting do not count towards majority.
Trickery (Passive) - Immune to being occupied at night.
Hide (Night) - No one will be able to visit you tonight. - 2 uses
Decieve (Night) - You will appear suspicious to investigative classes tonight. - 2 uses
Workaround (Plunder | Passive) - You will always appear to be a member of the Unseen or Cult. No more uses of Deceive needed.
Your objective is to be executed for Treason

Convert Immune

The Mad Captain :shield:

Neutral Special
Trickery (Passive) - Immune to being occupied at night.
Madman’s Will (Passive) - If you are executed, the regret of killing a madman will weigh on everyone. Your initial accuser will die at the end of the night tonight. Additionally your vote counts as two
Captain’s Finger (Day) - Your next nomination for treason or plunderer will count twice. - Unlimited
Ready Cannons? (Day) - You may change the result of a trial. - 1 use
Pirate Guards (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 4 uses
Guard Wall (Night) - You are unable to be visited tonight - 2 uses
Your objective is to be executed for Treason

Convert Immune

Crowned from

  • Fool

The Magical Captain :shield:

Neutral Special
Pirate Instinct (Passive) - A new Captain may arise when you die.
Mage Hat (Passive) - You are immune to death at night. Additionally, your vote counts as two.
Captain’s Words (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Ready Cannons? (Day) - You may change the result of a trial. - 1 use
Hexed Guards (Night) - Send guards to attack a player. If they are a member of the Unseen or the Cult, they will be guarded instead. - Unlimited uses
Magical Net (Night) - Use your magic to make all Unseen and Cult players appear as GK. - 1 use
Your objective is to survive to see the Green Kraken lose.

Convert Immune

Crowned from

  • Sorcerer

The Mercenary

Neutral Support
Looking For Work (Passive) - If your original target dies, you have 3 days to find a new target, otherwise you will commit suicide.
Failure (Passive) - If both your original target and new target die, you will commit suicide since you can no longer find work.
Offer Contract (Day) If your original target dies, you can form a new contract.
Stand Guard (Night) - Protect your target from visits, and grant yourself immunity to death tonight. - 4 uses
Rebound (Night) - Kill a player who accused your target of treason earlier in the day. - 1 use
Important Guard (Plunder | Passive) - From now on, you will kill any attackers who try to attack your target. You will still be alive after doing this.
Your objective is to ensure that your target remains alive until the end of the game, your target is [x]

Converts into The Sellsword or The Ritualist
Cult Alts:
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Stand Guard (Night) - Protect target Cult member from visits. (Can target self) - 2 uses
(Rebound) Rebound of Corax - Kill a player that accused a Cult member of treason during the day.
(Important Guard) Corax’s Shield (Plunder | Night) - Prevents all harmful effects to all Cult members for 2 nights.

Psychopathic Captain :shield:

Neutral Special
Deadly Roar (Passive) - Immune to occupation and death at night.
Pirate Instinct (Passive) - A new Captain may arise when you die.
Captain’s Words (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Ready Cannons? (Day) - You may change the result of a trial. - 1 use
Off With His Head (Night) - Send guards to attack someone. Does not count as visiting. - infinite uses

Convert Immune

Crowned from

  • All Neutral Killers except Sorcerer

The Possessor :shield:

Neutral Killer
Driven (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Blackened Shield (Passive) - Immune to death at night
Puppet Strings (Night) - Control a player, forcing them to kill someone and making it so you can see their whispers tomorrow.
Possess (Night) - Kill the target player. Their class will appear as one of your choice, and they will have information in their logbook of your choosing (or no logbook if nothing is specified). You will know what class they truly were, and what their logbook said. - 3 uses
Split Will (Plunder | Night) - Change targeted player’s wincon into yours. If you die at any time. They will become the new Possessor. These players will be able to talk to you at night and will show up as Neutral to any investigative checks.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken, the Unseen, the Cult and any Neutrals who stand in your way

Convert Immune

The Reaper :shield:

Neutral Killer
Consume Soul (Passive) - If you die at night with at least one soul, you will consume it and come back to life. You start with two souls. (Does NOT work if executed by The Prince)
Icy Touch (Day) - Consume two souls to prevent a player from using day and night abilities today. The target will only be aware of being prevented if they attempt to use a day ability , and they will appear occupied at night. - Infinite uses
Reap (Night) - Reap the soul of a player, killing them and occupying them. The victim can not be healed. You will gain one soul on a successful reap. - Infinite uses
Gathered Darkness (Night) - Consume two souls to kill a player. Bypasses death immunity, and the victim can not be healed. They will have information in their logbook of your choosing (or no logbook if nothing is specified), and you will receive their real logbook when they die. - Infinite uses
Soul Harvest (Plunder | Night) - Double the amount of souls you have.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken, the Unseen, the Cult and any Neutrals who stand in your way

Convert Immune

Credit to @CheesyKnives

The Revenant :shield:

Neutral Killer
Dead (Passive) - You cannot be targeted by any day or night actions, vote or be voted for as you are dead, living only in the body of the player you have bound yourself to. If they die, you will cease to be.
Chilling Aura (Passive) - While you exist, your presence will be announced at the beginning of every day.
Soul Bind (Day) - Bind your soul with that of another for the following night, and the day after. - 1 use
Astral Barrier (Day) - Protect the player you are bound to from death tonight. - 3 uses
Haunt (Night) - Kill a player. This attack bypasses death immunity if you have already used it on the same target before. - Infinite uses
Celestial Escape (Plunder | Day) - If your currently bounded person is killed, you will jump to the target specified. The targeted player will stay until you change it
Your objective is to Eliminate the Green Kraken, the Unseen, the Cult and any Neutrals who stand in your way

Convert Immune

Credit to Boopydoop
The Revenant also gains their plunder ability if the person who they are bounded to goes to plunder and successfully gains their ability.

The Scorned :shield:

Neutral Killer
Consume Soul (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing. Immune to death at night.
Frame (Night) - Make a target appear suspicious to investigative abilities.
Costume (Plunder | Day) - You will appear as a Green Kraken class of your choice to investigative checks for the rest of the game.
Your objective is to live to see 1 of your targets Executed, they are [X], [Y]

Convert Immune

The Sorcerer :shield:

Neutral Killer
Mage Armor (Passive) - Immune to occupation, death and poison.
Perception (Passive) - You will not attack targets that are death immune, guarded or part of the Unseen or Cult.
Magic Cloak (Day) - You will not be seen as visiting anyone tonight.
Magic Missile (Night) - Fire a magic missile at a player, killing them.
Circle of Death (Night) - Everyone visiting target player will die, will not affect Unseen/Cult players. Not usable until Night 3.
Magical Reveal (Plunder | Day) - You will know why you didn’t attack your target if you didn’t attack them.
Your objective is to survive to see the Green Kraken lose.

Convert Immune

The Spiritualist :shield:

Neutral Killer
Focused (Passive) - Immune to occupation, even by means that bypass occupy immunity, and target changing. You are able to complete your ritual and select a target even when imprisoned.
The Ritual Is Complete! (Night) - You kill yourself tonight causing you to become a revenant and bound to your target. You must use this ability if you are able to, otherwise you will be given a random target. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to become the Revenant and win as that class

Convert Immune

Credit to Boopydoop

Credit to xicidis for helping with names and @Strangle for helping me come up with some names and plunder abilities, Credit to the FoL team too.


You have the engineer under the unseen twice btw


pug ur back :smiley:

thanks Marl. it is fixed now, also glad to see you got Forum Mod. You deserved it.

1 Like

No problemo. Other than the dup engie looks like a pretty good setup.


changed name of Corrupted to Entrepreneur.
Plunder Organiser is now unique

Much better name imo.


I’ve actually been behind the scenes updating this

add my reaper reee


Just been extremely lazy rn and not while I’m on my phone.

Anyway, who was SFoL NK Plunder Abil ideas?

cheesy, you want to make the plunder for your form of reaper

yeh ok

anyway, because of how much text is in this one post.

I cannot edit it on my phone

are all classes meant to have a plunder or

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yup. except for captain and classes that appear dead to everyone else

cool and good

finally whats the need for fol and sfol class cards :V

ToL is for regular ToL style play.

SFoL cards are for SFoL

1 Like

wait it says fol and sfol doe


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