Gaming the MVP system

So my (unproven) theory is, the best way to improve your chances of getting MVP (besides actually having the biggest impact on the game) is to recommend 2 other players as MVP, but not a third, and then vote for nobody.

This encourages the two people you recommended to vote for you. By not voting for anyone, you prevent giving someone more votes than you got yourself. And of course, recommending only 2 players leaves people uncertain about the third, who will probably just vote you for being a nice guy and recommending others :stuck_out_tongue:

Ofc I have zero proof that this works but it seems to

They should give players who vote 10+ GP Just for voting because no one does :C


Yeah, there is a large incentive not to vote for anyone else at all if you want the gold. Inherent flaw in the system, I’d say.

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Easy to fix though. Who doesn’t vote for MVP doesn’t get MVP. Simple.


That could be countered by voting for a random person, or one you think won’t get MVP.

Perhaps someone who votes for 3 others gets an extra vote for themselves? You can still game the system by voting randoms, but there isn’t really a way to stop someone exploiting the system in some way for themselves.

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I guess it truly is an honor system

Who ever votes gets Smash Ultimate for free.