General FM Strategy Thread 2.0

Please, keep this on-topic

Try to analyze things from multiple perspectives. Accept that you might be wrong and act accordingly. If you have a gut feeling than say it. Cooperation with other players on reads can make your life a lot easier.

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It’s this myth of people being logical

I know right it’s super strange

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We are talking about common sense which is something forum mafia is about.

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When in doubt, just post something vaguely relevant. Villagers don’t look at your 1-paragraph posts anywhere near as hard as you think they do. If a microread is being posted it’s probably on a post with multiple paragraphs.

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If you bring good stuff such as reads and meaningful pushes to the table, and keep town discussion going you should be fine. Never fake claim a scum role, and never admit that you are evil, because at that point people will think you are lolcatting.

Generally when it comes to dunking on scum as village, you want to consider that scum may be manipulating thread to come to a certain conclusion. This doesn’t need to always happen, but try to consider that you may be wrong from time to time.

Basically throw bias out and take a look at things objectively occasionally

Yeah they really don’t if they are as lazy as me…

another thing to be careful of if you don’t post well thought out posts as villager then when you do it as wolf it would look pretty bad as you may be self conscious



By the way, sheeping is a weapon in your arsenal that should be used when appropriate. I’ve said this many times before but there’s no shame in admitting somebody has a good point.

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Unless you’re on MU

Text to speech

I have been trying to read the threads more.

And by read, I mean quickread, but it’s a start to end my laziness of reading.

Read the thread but only if the thread is short enough to be read in less than 10 minutes is my rule. If not, just skim over the bits where there’s a higher density of long posts imo.

Or if you’re me you read full thread make many post and reread it while night is going

I do read carefully if there is 50 or less posts written

Not 718 posts tho.

it’s not hard

it’s really not

if you don’t want to read because you are lazy don’t join

if this sounds rude and offensive


How am I supposed to carefully read 718 posts though?