General FM Strategy Thread 2.0

Oh nvm.

(I should really read more carefully!)

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Matrix 6 is fine tbh. The worst setup for scum is a bit worse than a Cop 9’er but the best is a bit better. Every version can’t immediately be mechanically locked and it’s good for its purpose, which is as a setup for newbies.

Ooh good strategy I’m remembering it from now on as that game I led multiple CFDs and was healed (albeit unsuccessfully) by the Jailkeeper on Night 2.

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Okay, so there’s separate mindsets depending on alignment? Ohhh I think I get it.
Your wolf strategy is to ATE until you’re killed, and your town strategy is to not do that. Separate mindsets.
Am I right?

What do you claim as Mafia Goon?


Is that Vanilla? :thinking:

Yeah vanilla townie.

Vanilla claims are normal mafia claims. How do you combat that?

They are also completely possible as a part of a set-up :thinking:

If you are in a closed-setup type game you could try to claim something else or if you are in a game that doesn’t have unique PRs you could try to claim one of those classes.

In my opinion, being read well should help you get townread as scum claiming citizen too.

There isn’t necessity to HC in every setup, especially as scum.

In many setups it’s anti-wincon to HC vanilla as vt since it makes the PR hunt easier


Claiming VT puts you on the top of my lynch list 9 times out of 10

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I’m not VT!
I’m citizen!

I hard claim VT

I hardclaim Mafia Goon Villager.

tbh the IDEAL is for nobody to ever claim ever and for the PRs to communicate results through a series of winks and nudges, but that never happens sooooo

Ideal is for everyone to claim PR

The ideal for protectives is to not out at all. For cops, every villager should put out cop cover every day.


Also I posted this on my AMA, and this is a very good overview on how I play FM.

I started playing Mafia on Town of Salem a couple of years ago.

Mostly I try to find out six things.

The first one is their mindset. What exactly are they showing themselves to be?

Villagers are uninformed and unaware of themselves meanwhile wolves are informed and aware. If a player does seem to know too much information regarding the game, they could be wolves, and if they are way too conscious on how they are perceived they could be wolves as well. Say, if a player says a bunch of controversial shit in a match then odds are that’s a villager. A wolf would carefully modulate and filter themselves in the match to prevent attention from being drawn to them. Usually wolves post to make themselves look good, not to scum hunt.

The second one is motivation. What is a player trying to accomplish?

For example, see how I found Simon and Mercenary right out of the gate in Auction Mafia. There was no reason why a villager should have asked those questions as it’d be a waste for them to buy scum-aligned abilities. Aside from this, remember that wolves have different goals in mind than villagers. A wolf will ultimately have their own survival for their goal, while a villager will have wolf hunting for theirs. See if a player prioritizes survival or hunting in a game and then you can easily deduce their alignment if his goals are clear.

The third one is by meta. How are they playing and is it similar to their wolf or village game?

Basically, compare their play styles in different games and see if their play style in your current game matches closer to their wolf or village play-style. This is effectively how I scum-read Hjasik in Short Fuse II and SFoL38.

The fourth one is via a night kill analysis. Why exactly did that one player die?

If the wolves kill a player, look back to their ISO to see if it can lead to any important information. Was the killed player repeatedly going after a certain player? If so then the certain player could be a wolf. Was the kill completely non-sensical and doesn’t really seem like a good night kill? Then odds are that an inexperienced player was behind it. This is pretty much how I solved 6d6 as the night-kill on Solic pretty much pointed out that the two remaining wolves were the players that were not paying any attention in the game, or how I found Baz in SFoL39 as the bleed on Astand was pretty much pointless and he’d only do it for his hatred of neutrals, which I don’t blame him as I dislike most nets.

The fifth one is by analyzing their progression. Does their progression feel natural or does it feel artificial?

Wolves knowing who their buddies are will have a more crafted and artificial progression when it comes to their reads. If a player makes a 360 for no reason at all regarding their views, odds are that they are a wolf trying to twist their own words to advance their own agenda. A town player will have a more clearer and natural progression in their point of view as they will slowly obtain more information rather than having it starting all out. This is how I outed Solic in All-Star.

Finally, check the votes. VCAs should be your bread and butter here and the more earnest a player is at when it comes to voting a player that flips wolf the more likely it is that they are village.

Additionally, use the PoE to your advantage. Clear as many players as possible by seeing them engage in villager-y behavior and then lynch the remainder. This is pretty much how I operate the best in Mafia.

As village, I usually pay attention to see if I notice any case of a player being too informed or too concerned with survival in their earlier posts. Usually this allows you to get the ball going. As wolf, I do the same thing except I try to find villagers doing scummy shit and try to power wolf via pushing mislynches.


I’m also planning on writing a guide on how to correctly FPS and do reaction tests as the sheer amount of terrible self-destructive FPSes and pointless reaction testing needs to stop, really.