I do believe that sorc and inquis’s overall interaction should change but here are some basics for sorc
Remove magic dust
Keep magic cloak
Change perception into a day ability (3 or 4 uses) because as of now it makes sorc very powerful imo
I do believe that sorc and inquis’s overall interaction should change but here are some basics for sorc
Remove magic dust
Keep magic cloak
Change perception into a day ability (3 or 4 uses) because as of now it makes sorc very powerful imo
nerfing class that has around 12% winrate
Changing Magic Dust would better option.
Besides Inquisitor needs a rework that isn’t completely relies on luck.
How is this OP? This passive is completely fine.
Did you forget sorcs which die n1? Why it even needs nerf?
remove dust 100%
Personally while I don’t care as much on cloak I 100% do not think any sorc ability should disrupt inq’s investigations… and I think they need to be much stronger on distrupting BD abilites.
Not sure on perception. I used to completely despise sorc… due to the fact that I always wound up killing my potential allies, not sure whether I like bringing that back.
*hardly pressing remove button
Remove anything that the sorc can do to hide from the inquisitor then make it near impossible for Bd to find sorc without inquisitor, letting the sorcs visits be impossible to see, maybe even letting sorc select what class type they appear as
I’m discord I explained this sorc has almost 18% winrate and can only die at night via inquis or prince without any additional effects(hh and frenzy) all other nk can have times of vulnerability posses while jumping and a soulless reaper sorc has none
Listen. BD already have easy way to find Sorcerer which is bullshit to begin with.
How much would you bet if Sorc winrate would fall drastically if she would have standard NK wincon?
It doesn’t matter at all and I’m pretty sure we don’t need to worry
Or just rework the Sorcerer into a stand-alone third-party NPC that doesn’t include hard counters nor winning with the evil faction.
I want this because SORC ISNT NEEDED. A TRUE NK IS
I wouldn’t complain if that were implemented simply because I don’t care enough
Yeah Sorcerer is too op dudes. A 13% winrate? In the trash with that let’s lower that bad boy.
But… I like EZ BD wins…
Not really
Sorcerer is fine. Inquisitor also doesn’t need a buff. IMO sorry should just be reworked into a true NK and inq should be removed/reworked.
Why? Investigative abilities would be overpowered if they couldn’t be tricked. And hardcounters should never be buffed.