Getting hung as fool

Not sure where this should go, its more a question.

Should someone who is a fool be reportable for acting in certain ways?

A guy in my last game was named Hodor. ONLY said Hodor the entire day. We hung him. Im sure all of you have seen some of the roleplayers/trolls out there who only say Hodor or Reeeeee or whatever. Should this type of player be reportable even if he ends up being a fool?

If he is spamming as in flooding the chat to make conversation too hard to read, that is absolutely reportable. If he’s just silent, and only trolling when asked for his role and similar, he’s pretty much within the rules. Albeit playing poorly, as realistically I’d let a prince, hunter or preferably an alc deal with that kind of thing.

I think this game already have way too many reasons to report people. Let players use their own strategy.

As long as he’s not maliciously spamming the chat its fine.

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The only problem Im worried about is the prince will lose their exes if he ends up being a troll. I know thats reportable at that point, but we would still lose that option. Anyway, ty for the answer :slight_smile:

I’d say reportable if it’s clear he is contributing absolutely nothing to the game. If he was a fool? It actually doesn’t seem like too bad of a strategy :smiley:

In general rules there is the rule 5. No spamming. I would consider this as breaking the rules, because spamming purposely is just straight up annoying and ruins the fun of the game. So i would consider this report-able.

I think I had that same guy today.

did you hang him or get a killer to deal with him ?

Unless he literally spams
Hodor about 500 times during the day so you can’t focus or speak

… Then he’s played Fool perfectly? I mean… The aim of fool is to be a fool and get executed?
If he joins as just says Hodor when you ask him his class etc. You execute him… He’s kind of played you? Perfectly as well in all honesty.

Now if someone did that and WASN’T fool then by all means they should be reported.

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He ended up being MM in the game I was in. I can’t remember if we executed him or the prince got him, though. He died pretty fast.