Geyde's GI Turbo! - Game Over - The Blue Dragon and the Undertaker win!

you said everyone tho


I’m also unable to be modkilled

im first to die 100%

You can still join, I’m finishing the class rolls

They don’t teach you any kind of foreign language? :thinking:

I know Latin…but I’m in latin 2

If game exists and game is active, write on?


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lol im in Spanish 1

why go latin what a noob get added

I tried French

nope not going to go in a class room where the teacher literally doesn’t teach you and always talks in French

That’s a decent way to actually learn though. :thinking:

I’m trying to learn Irish Gaelic through Duolingo

But I keep forgetting about it

Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?

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its not tho

It is, but you see I actually care about grades

what does that mean

Would you like to… something… with me

NSFW. :thinking:

Would you like to sleep with me tonight?