Geyde's GI Turbo! - Game Over - The Blue Dragon and the Undertaker win!

lowkey have a translator tab open rn

I mean there’s no “tonight” in that phrase but sure

I always wanted to learn japanese. Does that make me a weeb?


I thought insanity was the bad one


All classes rolled.

Will be distributing immediately!

yes but it also makes you a noob

Chinese > Japanese


Chinese seems way more complex though


By the way, I didn’t acfually roll that class but does anyone actually want to speak in different Lanuages

Mein linker blinker ist kaputt

Going to laugh if Firekitten rolls this.


that’s easy though

I probably butchered that actually :stuck_out_tongue:

Depends on the slankers. :eyes:

Also this roll is absolutely hilarious

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Not really.
It’s like word association game.

Like if you connect signs “Woman” and sign “Child” you get a word “Peace”

As it should be for bastard games