GI Discussion Thread


how conveniently timed that I “changed” it after pigeon said it would change

so much complaining for someone who hasn’t played a game

I mean it makes sense.

im sad i cant move topics to off-topic and just break them lmao


spam ping kat

Ping kat to lock this thread, EZ

GI discussion noises

what happened here

honestly i clicked on this thinking it was another kind of ‘GI’ discussion thread
didn’t expect all this class card talk

disussion of GI

o i c
carry on carry on

I tried to look up “GI” to see if it stood for anything and I could make a lame pun

it autocorrected to giorno

i dont know how to feel

you see this is just pigeon talks about an unbalanced class

and then “no fuck off bitch”

I see no issue

GI = Grand Idea thread V2

so you just gave up after giorno

it seemed like a good conclusion to the GI discussion thread saga

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nah this thread is gonna get revived another 2 weeks later

with giorno, this began

and with giorno, this ends

see you people in 2 weeks

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