GI Turbo Battle Royale - Game Over, Isaac wins

If anyone becomes king besides Simon or Isaac

I poison you

daddy wazza, why you let this happen?

What if Isaac or Simon never step up?

oh then I poison whoever is king

i stepped

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but daddy wazza didnt you just say there was no king?

Isaac for king

mommy me didnt

your class has an a :b: ility that lets you poison the king? wow

yes plz

I’m a butler

:b: utler, sure.

Well technically I’m this is how you copy and paste a rolecard

that was extremely annoying

anyone who wants to work with me: yall know im loyal to my team mates, you can trust me. reply to this post stating as such. i will give more consideration to classes without killing abilities

King isn’t informed they are poisoned
Want to find out the next night?

:b: y the way using this convoluted emote for every :b: I post is my restriction lmao

I want to work with you!

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guys lets go in a squad - Isaac, firekitten, and simon

Uh oh…