i knew it would work

i have to walk my dog

if it hasnt started when i get back i might in

May in if signups are still open at 2021-02-02T22:30:00Z. /backup for now

could turbo in ~hour
have annoying placed event in 40 minutes pog

on the other hand
what are the chances this will go past N1


It’s been 17 minutes

Don’t you get so annoyed you can’t help but pog out of your gourd

it’s called salesmanship
i’m luring people in with blatant mistruths so as to get them to join
it worked, did it not?

Begone capitalism

you wouldn’t get it



well shit

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you never even inned
stop this smear campaign at once

I’m using your own tactics against you

Is this meant to be a joke or does it mean that no 2020 classes may rand?

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why wouldn’t you run 2020 :^)

so anyways
who’s still in