GI Turbo - The Town are Victorious!

When you say nightless, do you mean that nights just don’t happen?

thats no problem
I can also murder anyone who replaces out


pretty much

alright who allowed this class to exist

Votecount Stuff

Accused Voters Count
Nobody Nobody 0/4

There is a Day 1 Vote. Majority is 4. Day ends in 9 minutes.

But anyway, my class is basically useless now :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m a mason without a partner
It’s horrible


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as it just so happens
it’s 9:30 for me
my internet straighr up turns off at 9:45
how did i not think of this right before game started

do you need me to force replace you


I’m just someone giving out the tea™ that can only works at night.

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You’re basically gonna suicide day 2

yes, yes i am

actually if you just replace out normally I can cap him

I have a guiltless dayvig on replacers :^)

Are you guys aware that voting is open?


/vote Wazza

No votes are going on right now with no king elections, this is kinda sad