Godcard [Character Sheet]

Idea for Sophie’s 2nd Gen
You can cause people to think it is a different time than it really is for a few seconds.


I just discovered a God that might fit for a character I am planning on bringing in.

Ohh tell tell

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Me, 2 minutes ago: “Surely, that cant be a real name of a real god” /googles.
Me now: “Holy fuck another one of his names is Huehueteotl. Hue hue hue.”

Shotgun on the God.

Name: Jacqueline (Jackie for simplicity) S Boxmen
Age: 16
G: F
Character alignment: Chaotic Moral
Backstory: Jacqueline has always believed there is good in everyone, and although she realizes that most likely this isnt true, she tries her darndest to see the good in everyone and give them the benefit of the doubt. She isnt quite a saint, but she tries to be good whenever possible. the key word in this is tries. She tries to do good, and she usually messes up. Whether she’s tripping or accidentally giving counterfeit money, she’s usually messing up on one thing or another.
Appearence: about 4’10’’, long/straight brown hair, and green eyes. She almost always has a look of curiosity/hope in her eyes/on her face, yet she always looks careful
Card Name/Figure: Pandora
Card Gen: 1
Card Backstory: She is the one who opened the box/jar releasing all of the evils upon the world, and curiously leaving only hope behind. Officially though she does not have great power, she is merely the first human women (according to Greek mythos)
Card Powers:
The Box Leaks: touch an object, and turn it into a focal point. Anybody within a 20 ft. radius of the focal point will have their evils (subjective to them) revealed in the form of a colorful aura around them. Conversely, they will tend more toward what they see as evil. while this only effects those within the range of the focal point, for as long as this is activated/the holder is in range of the focal, the auras are physically visbile to all who can see them, regardless of distance

Name and/or Alias: Hal Sophia
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Character Alignment: Neutral Evil

Card Name/Figure: Sisyphus, Cheater of Death
Card Generation: 5th
Card Backstory: King of Ephyra. He was punished in the Underworld for his self-aggrandizing craftiness and deceitfulness to avoid death.
Card Powers:
1. Deceitful Strength:
2. Law Evasion: Until 2nd inspector in rank, no officer could arrest him.
3. Death Evasion: Evade death at critical moments.
4. Raise Undead: Reanimate the dead by channeling magic power.
5. Dead’s Leader: When no stronger controller is present, all undead will follow the cardholder’s command.

(is Deceitful Strength still redacted?)

Name and/or Alias: Roy Fortuna
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Character Alignment: True Neutral
Backstory: Obsessed with art, currently the president of the Art Club at NYC High. Has a very short temper and is easy to set off.
Appearance: https://i.imgur.com/Uuuif2R.png

Card Name/Figure:Vincent Van Gogh
Card Generation: 1st
Card Backstory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_van_Gogh
Card Powers:
Gen I: Van Gogh’s Sword: Conjures a paintbrush. The paintbrush is able to (without requiring paint) draw black lines midair or on solid surfaces. They persist for up to an hour, but can also be immediately erased if the user wills it.

why monkke.
why must you do this
