Godcard [Character Sheet]

Put all character here so we won’t need to scroll up every time we want to see who’s what. Fill this sheet to start. A like from me means the character is accepted.

Name and/or Alias:
Character Alignment: (This may impact card-attunement a lot. See this for more)
Backstory: (At least a solid paragraph. Occupation, etc)
Appearance: (Written or a picture)

Card Name/Figure: (The deity or figure your card represent)
Card Generation: (Start off at 1st. Increase with RP progression.)
Card Backstory: (Some basic info on the figure it represents. Just a basic overview. Don’t go overboard writing several paragraphs on me. You can use this for reference.)
Card Powers: (Only the ones that the card has unlocked on the generation so far. Remember; the more attuned the user is to the card and the more he uses it - the faster its generation will grow. Each generation means an increase in power.)


Name and/or Alias: Lilian White
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Character Alignment: True Neutral
Backstory: An agent of Olympus Group. She works part time at a local library.

Card Name/Figure: True Neutral
Card Generation: 1st
Card Backstory: Thoth was known as the God of wisdom, writing, magic, and the measurement of time. He used his knowledge to help Isis after the murder of her husband Osiris by his brother Set by creating the first mummification ritual with the help of Anubis and helped resurrect Osiris. He also earned extra days by gambling with the moon in a game of dice to help the goddess Nut gave birth to her children.
Card Powers:

  1. Time Sense: The user is able to determine his position in time on any kind of time measurement he wishes.
  2. Magic Sense: The user is able to detect magic whenever it’s used.
  3. Glyph Guidance: The user is able to wield the power of basic glyph.
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Age: 14
Gender: F
Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Backstory: The person behind the scenes of small dissension riots among nations. She just wants to see the world burn… with an innocent exterior…

NOTICE: KIA, Soul still around

Name: Julis Ceaser
Card Gen: 2
Backstory: Dictator for life of the Roman Republic. Conqueror of Gaul and assassinated on the Ides of March (March 15th) by his friends

  1. Veni, Vidi, Vici: People awe at you for your deeds, you can intimidate them with varying degrees of success

  2. The Senate: Causes a internal conflict inside someone

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Few problem with this:

The card should represent an established figure in the world. You can use historical figure like Arthur Pendragon and Emperor Xerxes or mythical figure like Zeus and Heracles.

The background is a must. It will tell the others the scope of your car potential.

Also, the power is too strong for a 1st generation. The power scale increase with the generation, so please choose something less powerful.

Edited, how is it now.

What exactly does the power do? I don’t really understand.

The backstory for the card is simply for the figure; No need to mix in the connection with its holder. You can say about Julius Caesar’s domination if you want to emphasize his corrupt ambition or something similar.


ONE SECOND. rushes to edit his post


There… if you make me change it one more time I will strangle someone

Intimidation aura is good enough. Accepted.

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Name and/or Alias: Alice Patricia Jackson

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Backstory: Alice was an aspiring college student with a promising career in engineering ahead of her, then she discovered wine. She is an alcoholic and spends her time in a near-permanent state of inebriation, ranging from very slight to very severe, despite being aware of her habits she has no intention to remain sober for longer than a day or two, she is still an accomplished engineer, despite often being too drunk to legally operate any machinery, she is accompanied by her two best friends, Brandy and Chardonnay.

Appearance: image


Card Name/Figure: Dionysus

Card Generation: 1st

Card Backstory: Dionysus, the Greek God of Wine, is a Greek God…of Wine, IDK what to put for this bit

Card Powers:

  1. Alice has the power to create wine and wine containers (is this good, IDK)

Update: Character now belongs to @Damafaud

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You might want to specify Julius Caesar as there were multiple Caesars, also Augustus Caesar was the first emperor, Julius proclaimed himself “Dictator for life”, not emperor

I am incredibly rusty on my roman history, I’ll fix it

Perfect but I’ll limit the creation to a barrel of wine or 25 bottles or 60 gallons.

25 bottles seems like plenty

Hmm true. 12/13 maybe?

idk dude

I’ll put it at 3 at a time cause of moirae or erinyes or whatever


Name: Doctor Eylesbarrow
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Character Allignment: Neutral Good
Backstory: A doctor who loves to save lives, and wants nothing more than for us to live as long as possible. He is highly successful and their care has saved numerous people from near-fatal diseases. He now specialises as a medical scientest developing revoloutionary new cures.
Appearance: A tall, handsome young man, dressed, as should be expected from a doctor, as a doctor.


Card Name/Figure: Sekhmet
Card Generation: 1st
Card Backstory: Egyptian god of both war and medicine, she was depicted as a mighty lioness, protecting the pharaoh. They were feircly protective and skilled in the healing of people.
Card Powers:

  1. The user has the ability to briefly stop a person from bleeding at all for 5 miniutes.
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( I may only start playing when I have time btw. I’ll take part in this fully.)

Name and/or Alias: Mabel Winterhart
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Character Alignment: Neutral Evil
Backstory: A recluse from birth, Mabel spent most of her young adult life in the streets after her parents were tragically murdered by a group of thugs. That is until she was found by a member of the Organization of Anubis, a museum that houses Ancient Eyptian artifacts. It is there that she gained her card.


Card Name/Figure: Set.
Card Generation: III
Card Backstory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_(deity)
Card Powers:

  1. Set’s Eyes- user can see the sins that any select person has committed in twelve days. Useful for blackmail.

  2. Set’s Voice - user can use their voice to sow the seeds of irrationality in their victim’s minds, often causing them to resort to violence.

  3. Set’s Heart - user can ensnare those with weak hearts to their will and whim.

  4. The Way of the Storm- user can travel via sand a max of 2000 feet with the speed of 60 kmph

  5. Set’s Skin: Cardholder receives the physical body similar to that of the god of old, granting them enhanced durability, strength, vitality, speed, etc. This body is about as strong as five humans. This power needs to be activated by the user. It takes five seconds for the armour to be cast, so be warned.

  6. Set’s Blood - Cardholder gains the ability of healing, allowing damage inflicted upon them to be healed 3x faster than a normal human.

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