Godcard [Character Sheet]

Is my 1st generation ability accepted?

Good enough.

What does this mean? I’m a bit confused.

as it is possible we can lose our god cards can you make it clear what we must do to remain attuned to our cards (losing a good card for reasons you don’t know would suck)

Okay. I did some research and apparently this God is seriously fucked up.

He also impregnated Horus and stole his testicles.

Yes, you heard me correctly.

He impregnanted Horus!


This character is going to be interesting.

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Oh, Ive been meaning to ask about Organisation of Anubis. What is it exactly?

Name and/or Alias: Jacob Keyes
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
Backstory: A college student (psychology major) who often dabbles in the occult. He is obsessed with Ghosts/Spirits and anything paranormal. Sometimes works at a local archery range part time, and practices as a hobby. His personality is very upbeat and eccentric.
Appearance: 11498-82949879

Card Name/Figure: Apollo
Card Generation: 1st
Card Backstory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo
Card Powers:

  1. Solar Flare: Has the ability to conjure and move a small amount of fire. (Around the size of your palm.) Excessive use causes fatigue.

I apologize for any errors I may make. First time posting on the forums!

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Accepted. You sure about the name? Solar flare suggests something more powerful

Yeah, name is good. It was intended to be more of a play on words. Since y’know a flare and Apollo is a god of the sun and-
I feel like by trying to explain the joke i’ve ruined the joke.

Name and/or Alias: Raul Long
Age: 42
Character Alignment: Lawful Evil (former) Neutral(with Lawful tendencies) Evil
Backstory: Formerly a leader of mercenary group, currently considers himself retired. Followed a strict code when it came to his job. No longer follows that code.
Before explosion:
After explosion:
Card Name/Figure: Al Capone
Card Generation: 5th
Card Backstory: American gangster and leader of the chigago outfit.
Card Powers:

  1. Mobster Influence: Ability to inflict fear or calm a person.

  2. Chicago Style Vol II: His physical condition will be at slight superhuman level.

  3. Suit up Vol II: Generates a suit around the person which has protection against various threats, now stronger, it can protect against stronger stuff, consider it Titanium. Can breathe underwater as it connects with the mask.

  4. Outfit’s contacts Vol II: Ability to summon 3 goons with pistols twice a day(3 goons max still) to help him with whatever Raul wants.

  5. Outfit’s Transportation: Ability to summon a SUV that is bullet and explosive proof. The driver will be there to transport Raul wherever he wants with a car (within reason ofc.)

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By bribing, so is he able to summon money for bribing purpose only or does he need to prepare the money?

Needs to prepare it, Id actually consider it of him having higher success rates than others.


Mobster Bribery: Increased chance of success when bribing someone.


Yes, thank you.


An organization that procures ancient Egyptian artifacts.

It’s fictitious.

Name and/or Alies: Matthew Raigel (gets called Ragna by Friends)
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Character Alignment: Neutral-Chaotic
Backstory: Countryboy who moved to the City. He is studying Norse Mythologie at the University. His Character is Chaotic, like his Apartment. He forgets things fast and has Problems with his Concentration. Dont want to stand out in the Public. Part-Time Works in the University IT-Department. His Hobby is Crafting.

Appearance: MatzeRPG

Card Name/Figure: Fenrir
Card Generation: 1st
Card Backstory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenris

Card Powers: When stressed out, little growing in Strength and Teeth getting a bit sharper.

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Accepted! Have a name for your power?

Name: Marcus G. Aveyerd
Age: 14
Gender: m
Character alignment: Lawful Neutral
Backstory: when he was 9, his parents died, and he has since been raised by the grave keeper in the graveyard where his parents funeral was held. he has no brothers or sisters to speak of. Now he helps all the visitors grieve and facilitate the resting of the dead.
Consider me blind :smiley:: A spindly young man with coal-black hair, and light-hazel eyes, about 5’ tall

Card Figure: Anubis
Card Generation: 1st
Card Backstory: As the Egyptian god of death, Anubis facilitated the crossing over of peoples soul into the afterlife
Card Powers:

  • Cross the river: When nearby someone dead, you may temporarily cross into the afterlife to where-ever that person is in the afterlife, and as they are your anchor there, you will automatically be pulled out if you stray further than 20 ft. from them. It is only your soul pulled into the afterlife. so your body will be left back and vulnerable
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hang on you were raised by me?

because I am the keeper of the graveyard