Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Mabel nods and sits back.

(Wait, nevermind i remember. its not present on the discord cs-sheet)

opens the door yelling out to Jacques GET INSIDE

(hes already here)

(I donā€™t think I let him inside my house)

(W/e took a step back, re-entering)

Jacques removes the illusions, as he unblends and gets in the house, closing the door behind him.

You guys need to get out of the graveyard! Who else is in here?!

He looks around, who does he see?

Seeing Drynold, Albert asks him with a firm resolution
Albert: Why did this happen? Were you there to see what cause this surge?

He shows no sign of panic or confusion

@Daericul @Simon @FadeBlade
Cal is gripping a shovel firmly with his hands. A shoulder bag is slanted on his slim figure.

(Description of the house should be done by Fade as house owner)

(is Daeircul in my house?)

(He just enters)

what the hell do we do?

looks at Daeicul how did you get into my house?

(You open the door?)

Julia goes to the cemetery to find out whatā€™s going on

Mary arrives at the graveyard too

(wait is he outside or inside?)

(Heā€™s inside. Also doesnā€™t really matter why. Thereā€™s frickinā€™ undead)

Thomas covers Drynold, blasting a few more undead.

Thomas mumbles the following:
This is getting tiresome, itā€™d be easier if I knew an enchantment spell and enchant something like a shovelā€¦

He arrives where Albert and Drynold are standing and hears just the question.

@Damafaud Someone used necromancy and raised the dead. I have an idea who did it.

He notices undead approach them.

We should get out of sight and find a way to put them all down at once.

Albert: Necromancy?

His eyes turn alert

Albert: Forceful method like necromancy doesnā€™t have a continual uprising. If we can annihilate them now, everything can go back to normal.

I used the door, but that doesnā€™t matter when the house is getting surrounded by zombies! Is there anyone else here?!

Jacques looks around the room, who does he see?

whatever. G! please. i think i can find out more information about these guys. that way we can help them rest