Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Alice scrambles to the stairs, flinging bottles after bottles at undead. Albert retreats slowly to the stairs as well

Cal: Everything was hectic. Not really your fault.

The sound of fighting gets near

Cal: You should help. They will need it with the numbers of these f*ckers

(status update on police status would be nice)

Thomas stands by Drynolds side and fires single shot aimed at the spine of the neck to 1shot the undead, succeeding thanks to the close range and slow speed.

(do I find his card?)

Drynold grabs Thomas and tells him:

“I think that Cal person is behind this, he is an evil character and suspicious.”

(HANG ON you don’t kill him?)

Thomas whispers back.

I know its him, signature of energy form the zombies I can sense match his.

(Nope. It’s not on his body)

@Monkke @PolikShadowbliss @JammySplodge
Siren can be heard nearby. Looks like the police are coming

Drynold nods and says

“I’ll try to get allies. Most of the people here are neutral like you, or evil. Mary is the only good one, I’ll ask her for help.”

Drynold runs to Mary and whispers:

“I need your help. I know who is behind the undead.”

Cal you need someone to make sure the undead don’t hurt you. I am staying with you

Cal: You f*cker, the undead can’t get me if you block the stairs.
… or do you have another reason why?

@PolikShadowbliss @JammySplodge
Raul sees the police and runs to the SUV

Raul: “FUUUCK.”

Goon: “What do we do boss?”

Raul: “Get in the damn SUV, all of ya.”

He gets in and starts observing further.

Raul: “As soon as we had the chance, the damn cops show up. It’s fine, let’s see how the situation develops.”

another reason? cal you are in that spot because of my foolish choice I can’t compare with those people down there I HAVE HAD 2 FRIENDS DIE ON ME ALREADY I REFUSE TO HAVE A 3RD

a tear go’s down his eye I am sorry for raising my voice

sits in the chair across cal

M: Who?

J: Cops already? I didn’t even do anything yet!

Cal winces hearing his shout

Cal: Fade, this is just a wound. It can be fatal, but it’s blocked for now. The others can die there. I chose to be in front. It’s my fault.

Alice and Albert still fight at the stairs. The zombies begin to disperse outside, but there’s still many

Raul sighs and nods at Julia

“Don’t worry. I’ve fought cops before.”

Cal you were outside when the undead 1st appeared. do you have any clue as to what may of caused them?

Jacques watches the graveyard from an upstairs window. Who can he see outside?

(Just to get a quick overview)

There are less undead. The ashes and bones covering the ground help, but some of them just leave.

He sits on the bed
Cal: Maybe… I have a feeling, but it’s better to ask that Albert guy