Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

he is knocked down and gets right back up weakly your scum you know that

The supposedly injured man is extremely swift and breaks the window. The police can be seen outside

Cal: Looks like the authorities are here…

Raul sees Cal break the window and starts the SUV


Thomas runs to the window and fires at Cal

Drynold hits the gun

“Don’t kill the guy!”

Did you not hear him when he said “you’re too smart for your own good” like a fucking comic book villian?

blocks the hit but falls to the ground in a pool of blood

Cal: Fade, my boy. Nice knowing ya. See ya on TV tonight!

He jumps off the window and runs toward the police

Drynold runs up to Fade

“Hold up. I have bandages for you.”

He yells


The police find a bloody hoodie, but that is all that is found of Lillith.

Fade is slowey bleeding and is unconscious

Mary jumps out of the window after Cal, she doesn’t stick the landing but nothing is broken


Jacques sees the police advancing. through the broken window.

“Oh, fuck.”

He blends, and conjures two illusions outside, and manipulates them to run from the police, yet in their line of sight.

“We need to get out. Now.”

Drynold applies bandages on the wound and picks up and starts carrying Fade

“Goddamnit guys.”

Drynold unlocks the door and goes downstairs with Fade

“Police! We have an injured one here!”

(Note: Lillith is MIA for now, new sheet w/out card is coming soon)

Jacques looks at Drynold, attracting the police’s attention. He decides to abandon ship. Still blending, he jumps out of the window, and makes a run for it in the opposite direction from his illusions.

Oh god Mary…

Notices police approaching Can’t have threm see me here and on CCTV at Lilys apartment, need to disappear…

Thomas jumps out of the window and makes the landing using his windfist spell. and runs after Cal and mary using his tracking.


Cal grins seeing Mary gives chase; He likes being chased by ladies

Cal: Too bad I have the public on my side…

The police, temporarily distracted by Jacques illusion notices Cal and Mary.

Police: Are you guys all right? We heard reports of undead sightings here

They’re a bit suspicious of the hostility between Cal and Mary

Raul sees Cal run.

“Who is that figure there now.”

Drynold walks up to an officer who’s in the house.

“Get an ambulance. We have an injured one here.”