Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Everything’s fine, officer, I think I saw some and I ran but it might have been my mind playing tricks on me

Does Jacques into Lilithia’s card on the way out of the graveyard?

Mary thinks to herself

If you think I’m letting you go quietly to the nice safe police station, you’re dead fucking wrong

(EVERYTHING IS FINEEEE!!! are you sure?!)

Cal smiles seeing Mary’s being polite

Cal: Everything is all right, officer. I already purged most of the undead.

Police: Purge?

While the officer is confused, Cal puts on his mask. Their expression changes

Police: Ah, you’re the Saviour Angel going around town recently? We hear so much good things about you.

Cal: You were saying?

He says to Mary under his breath, mocking her.

(The card is at the front of house, so no)

(she didn’t say anything)

(He’s just mocking her)

(dama what about the police and my dying body?)

He does not, only the bloody hoodie remains of Lillithia presence here

Will that be all, or do you need a witness statement or something?

Some medic comes in and bring him to the hospital

(So how she’s able to survive)

Drynold hands over the body of Fade to the medic

“He’s bleeding and I patched him up.”

Drynold walks outside the house and thanks to his ability he spots a godcard

“It cannot be…”

He picks up the card and reads it, after that. He puts it in his pocket

Jacques exits the graveyard. He makes sure he is clear of any officers, and watches what happens. He also disables his illusions.

Police: Just some brief statements. Although I’m sure the media will want more…

(I like to keep some things a public mystery, as you are the GM I will tell you in DM)

(Sorry, I’m at school right now so I won’t be able to answer sometimes)
You wanted to go with them?
Did all of the risen have souls before they rose?

Well, like I said, I only caught a glimpse

(simon I have been shot)

(I am being taken to the hospital)

Drynold searches for Mary and goes to her

“Hey, you alright?”