Godcard [Roleplay Thread]


“Hit it. Check her.”

I don’t have any weapons don’t worry

she puts her eye back in, muttering something about birds

She uses sinsight on Julia.

Julia’s sins from the last 12 days
Theft: 1 Count
Lying: Many Counts

“She lies periodically. And constantly by the looks of it. She also stole something.”

Raul looks angered

“Better start telling the truth then.”

I didn’t steal anything
the lie count goes up by one

(I gotta go)

Yes you did.

Raul sighs and uses Drynold’s blast of justice on her leg, she would fall

“Truth… or else…”

Gah, fuck!

Okay I stole someone’s wallet, big fucking deal!

“Then why did you hide it from us?”

“Good. That’s a good start.”

Jacques finds himself suddenly clearer in the mind

“What the fuck? What did you do to me?!”

Raul laughs a bit

“It’s this new card. It’s interesting.”

“Alright so who the fuck are you and what do you want from me? Why am I still here?”

“Me? I am Raul Long. Leader of this crew. I call it “The NYC Outfit(changed name cuz The Outfit sucked)” Our goal is to get the godcards and use them to gain power, eventually take over the world with them…”
He points at Mabel

“She is Mabel. My 2nd in command. She can explain the rest herself.”

Jacques looks at Mabel and awaits an explanation.

She accepts being arrested

She is now Arrested, someone will be coming back

Mabel shrugs.
“Unfortunately for you. I am not one for explanations.”