Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

mutters under his breath barely audible ‘kinda shoddy though’

he laughs a bit and grunts ouch even laughing hurts

(@Damafaud nurse please.)
remember when i said i would go upstairs to rest…

yes? what were you doing

i saw it all
(intentionally vague)

you mean how I got shot? he laughs a bit I refused to have anyone die at my house

i wasnt lying about the card. i was talking to a spirit, and, as a ghost, i saw it all. I know Cal did it. I know that something happened to that little girl, who was for some reason in the room next door

Jacob sits at home, contemplating the events of the past week, and about his card. After deciding to hunt down Raul, he spends much of his time in his apartment studying the grimoire he got from the library and researching whatever information he can find about Raul Long.

(@Monkke @Damafaud What info is avaliable on the web about Raul? And does studying the runes on the tome reveal any new info? Jacob is researching pretty much the entire first day of the undead stuff.)

all the cards
all of it
why did you take a shot for cal?

because I considered him my friend. I already lost 2 already Marcus. you know who those 2 were. I refused to have my home be a place where someone died

okay, im just going to point out the irony that comes with us living in a graveyard when you say that, but otherwise thats a very touching statement
(i just realized, if g actually believes cal is innocent, then why does he want to kill him?)

Marcus. can you return to the graveyard. I need you to clean the graveyard. the skeletons and zombies are not great our view

oh no. you almost died on me once when i was not there with you.
im not letting that happen again, especially since you just woke up from critical condition
when you get back, you can watch me clean them up

(i know i said i wouldn’t do this, but if its the only way for marcus to see this, @Damafaud, please tell me when you’re ready to have cal come in, because its necessary i be there)

loos to the nurse can you bring me my back? I wanna show my son something

(bro she gone. i just assume they had some very important other roleplaying game to get to)
do you want to get the nurse, from what ive heard there’s a button to call one

yes please do that

(ahem @PolikShadowbliss or anybody else that could be a nurse real quick. Actually, marl if you want you could be the nurse)

Rejected for obvious reasons. Like, how she even able to stand it’s not even 12 hours yet.

@FadeBlade @Simon
Nurse: Gladly. There’s also the matter of your possession. We advice that your family members bring all of it home…

He helps Fade to sit

Raul’s basic background as a mercenary pops up. Along with his disappearance after a car crash, and his rumoured involvement with Lilian.

Jacob can comprehends the basic of runes.