Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

( Take to discord )

After practicing for a few hours, Jacob notice his card starts to glow and new text is inscribed describing his new ability. " Sunā€™s Candor: Passively, while in the vicinity of the holder, you cannot lie. "

At this point, Jacob leaves and arrives at the magic shop with his grimoire of runes. ā€œIs that you, Thomas? The cardholder from the library?ā€

(forgot to @Monkke and @AgentBoin)

Xander arrives at the hospital, looking for the survivors of the undead.
He heard an anonymous tip for the room number of the people who had survived it.
He knocks on the door to Lilithiaā€™s room.
ā€œHello? Is there anyone there?ā€

She simply says Come in.

Xander steps in, heā€™s dressed normally in his office attire (aka no jester mask). He looks around upon entering.

Theres a 14 year old girl. There is also something sticking out of her backpack What do you wantā€¦

ā€œMy name is Xander.ā€ He pulls a business card out of his shirt pocket and holds it out to Lil. ā€œI heard you were involved with the undead. Iā€™m looking for information on them, what can you tell me?ā€

Get. Out. she points to the door

ā€œSurely there must be something you can tell me? I can pay you if itā€™s money youā€™re looking for.ā€

she sneaks out a lighter and a cigarette Want one?

Xander sighs. He doesnā€™t have time for this.
Regardless, he takes a cigarette from Lil and pulls out his own lighter, lighting it.
ā€œI donā€™t think someone of your age should be in possession of these.ā€ he takes a whiff.
ā€œBut thatā€™s not why Iā€™m here.ā€

Heh, smoking isnā€™t the worst thing Iā€™ve done She lights her own

So what do you want?

(by the way noz, did fade ever actually answer lil?)

ā€œIf thatā€™s not the case, what is the worst thing youā€™ve done?
And Iā€™m here for any info I can get regarding your encounter with the undead. Itā€™s not for business, but rather for personal reasons.ā€

(Iā€™m dropping out, whoever wants to roleplay as my old character can as long as they state that they will be in possession of the character now.)

A twat named cal shoved me in there with them. I donā€™t know how I survived, guess I am lucky. Also you really donā€™t wanna know


ā€œTry me. And give me any info you can regarding this Cal.ā€