Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Heh, I like his style so I won’t tell you much. She then laughs If you really want to know get me out of here and I’ll tell you

(How badly injured is Lil? Can Xander tell she’s badly hurt at a glance? Can she walk?)

(Her eye is covered, she looks like she can walk)

“Simple enough.” Xander grabs a wheelchair from the corner of the room and sets it up. “Grab your things, and whenever you’re ready to leave sit in this and play it cool. Don’t do anything to draw attention to us.”

Get…get me an eyepatch…

“Give me 5 minutes.”
Xander goes out into the hall and looks for a medical supply closet with no one around it. He slips inside, grabs a medical eyepatch and returns to Lil’s room.

He holds out the eyepatch. “Will this suffice?”

Thats…thats good. Get out of the room while I remove the bandages and put it on

Xander snuffs out the cigarette, and stands outside in the hall attempting to avoid any unwanted attention.

She takes over the bandages, revealing a mauled eye that will most likely never recover Heh, lucky I only lost an eye She puts on the medical eyepatch and motions for Xander to get back in

He steps back inside. “Anything else? Good to go?”

I’m good. Don’t aks questions about the eye. She puts her clothes in bag and motions for Xander to go

Xander wheels Lil out through the lobby. As he nears the front desk, he smirks, knowing someone will question him for info.

He pulls out his godcard from his pocket, where only Lil could see it, and causes a gust of wind to scatter all of the papers all around the front desk, obscuring the nurse’s view.

He casually wheels Lil out through the front door amidst the chaos, and stops once he arrives at his car.
“Will that be satisfactory?”

(If any GMs have any problems with the way i helped Noz out of the hospital we can retcon it later.)

I used to have one, I lost it at the graveyard

“Wait… You mean you were also gifted one of these cards? What card? and who took it?”

Julius Ceaser, I don’t know where it is

He opens the backdoor of his car. “Come, we have much to discuss and the parking lot of a hospital isn’t the ideal place.”

Very well she gets in the car

Xander begins to drive to the graveyard. “So… I’ve fufilled my part of the bargain. What do you know about this Cal? Who are they, and what do they have to do with the undead?”

(id have to ask fade, but the graveyard might have a locked gate)