Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

I don’t know much, only that he wants to commit evil. I’m not sure what he has to do with it

“How’d he do it? Does he have a godcard?” Xander is still driving, about 3 minutes away from the graveyard.

I think he has one, you okay with smoke in the car?

“Do whatever you please.” Xander continues. “What sort of powers did your card give you before you lost it?”

Intimdation and interal conflict. I had two powers

“I see. Both of those seem useful in my line of work…” Xander pulls up to the graveyard and steps out of his car. From his jacket he pulls a small revolver and fires a couple of shots at the padlock on the gate. “Well then, shall we?” he motions for Lil to follow him into the graveyard.

She goes too two graves and grabs a bloody hoodie and checks the pockets Damn it. Gone

“Wait… It’s gone?.. Damn it. Who knew your card was here?”

Nobody. I was wearing the hoodie during the incident. she puts it back on Thanks, could I borrow that revolver?

“What…? Why would I give you my revolver?”
He ponders for a moment.
“Who else was here when the incident happened? Do you know any other survivors?”

Give me your revolver and I’ll tell

Xander sighs and holds out his revolver.
But instead of handing it to Lil he points it at her head.
A gust of wind kicks up the leaves behind him and A twisted smile forms on his face. “I don’t think you’re in any place to be making demands.”

she just laughs Why don’t we work together buddy. I like your attitude

His face contorts and he lets out a high pitched laugh, pulling back the revolver from Lil’s forehead. “Heheheaaahhaahahahaha! And why would I do that? How would you be able to help me?”

I can per say, get rid of someone annoying

He raises the gun and points it at Lil’s forehead again. “You’re amusing, at least. If you tell anyone what happened here you’ll have an extra hole between your eyes.”

Xander lowers his gun and holsters it in his jacket, his twisted smile gone and his calm demeanor returning. “Other than that, you’re free to do as you wish. If you want to tag around while i hunt for your card, so be it.”

(@Damafaud we where in the middle of fade being healed)

Christina gets the card


She goes to bed because it night


Mabel goes to bed because it is night and there are no more available roleplays.

Misty eventually drifts off to sleep.

Raul keeps the goons building all night, while sleeping in the SUV himself.

Busy with the Iron God project. Drynold stays at the Interpol quarters and falls asleep there