Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

“hmm… The odds of there being another kind of magic card is slim…” Jacob pulls out a picture of Raul and shows it. “Can you tell me anything about this man? He kidnapped a friend of mine and I need to find him before it’s too late.”

he nods his head sideways no…clue

“Dammit… Do you have anything else to tell me?”

he nods sideways do…you…believe…cal…angel…or…not? after…what…he…did…to…me

“No. You cannot lie, it’s the power of my card. I believe you and think he’s not an angel.”




A shade appears behind you


“I’ll do what I can. Finding him is a priority for me. Thank you for your info, I’ll make sure your death doesn’t go unavenged.”
Jacob stands up and leaves.

he smiles behind his mask good thing ghosts define as life

a god card that prevents lying.

and because ghosts are not alive guess I was able to lie after all

the shade escorts him out

(also I say all that when you leave)

(as in walking out so I can see you in the window)

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Jacob leaves and returns to investigating the graveyard for while longer, before heading home soon after.

(so do you think fade is really dead?)

luciile enters the front gates of the school