Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

The nurse runs in and says

“She needs to go to the hospital, what did you say to her, Lucille?”

She dials the ambulance

she runs out of the nurses office crying

(lucilles heart being broken day 1 thanks jammy)

she runs to the gardening club and starts to gardening shaking her hands with a clear worried look on her the entire time

Mabel reads the text and meets Raul by the magic shop as instructed.


Jacques finishes searching the area in the city and decides to text Raul.

“I haven’t found any leads, anything new come up that I can follow up on?”

Lil is transported to the hospital and is recovering from her eye injury

Meet me in front of the Elf Stationary Shop. Mabel’s coming there too.

Jacques texts back: “On my way.”

He gets on his way to the Elf Stationary Shop.

A few minutes later, he arrives. Are Raul and Mabel there?

Raul is there, but Mabel is still coming

Mabel arrives.

@Daericul @PolikShadowbliss

“Alright crew. This shop has the symbol on it that our cards do. Should be worth checking out.”

Raul starts heading inside. One of the goons follows him and the other one stays outside for guarding purposes

Jacques follows Raul into the shop, blending as he goes in.

Mabel goes inside as well.

A small bell rings as they open the door

"Welcome, welcome to our shop! Do you need a pen? A3 Paper? Wooden ruler? We have a 20% discount since it’s our opening day! "

A cheerful and over the top woman greets them at the entrance

As soon as Lil’s eye recovers she asks for a phone and calls Mabel

Mabel picks it up and sighs.

“Hello Lil.”

Am I calling at a bad time, is the guy who asked me to throw a knife at with you?

Yes, he is. Why?

i would like to talk with them…