Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

“No… I have it on reliable sources that he is the one who RAISED the dead.”

“Hmm… let’s talk to the shop people first. We’ll talk later”

A burning cigarette falls on the ground followed by a few loud curses

she looks over to her and walks to her are you here to visit a dead relative as well?

Yes I would like to know some things and in trade I’ll give you information. But not in front of police officers, Jacob can hear it.

Thomas thinks of something convincing to say but choses not to say it in front of the officers

Well, I’m visiting my parents. She lights another cigarette Want one?

no thanks I don’t smoke

“Because I didn’t want to!”

Cmon kid, live a little!

Mabel nods and leaves.

“Whatever… whore.”

The bullies walk away, while Nico comforts Misty

“It’s alright. Don’t let it get to you.”

She is shaking.

“I hate them!”

“Yeah… same here. They are annoying alright.”

(Yes let the hate flow through you! I may have watched the starwars movies )

“Why? Why are they like that?”

“Cuz you have something they don’t. A heart…”


She just shrinks in.

The lunchtime is over. It’s time to go to math class for Misty.

Misty goes to class.

In the class there are jocks sitting in one corner, bullies in the other and the girls at the 3rd corner. The last corner is occupied by Nico and one of his friends who sits behind him. Where will Misty sit?