Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

She rushes to the shout she can’t hear well

Hearing Fade, he stops

Cal: Hm? I thought you are dead. Could it be…

His face changes , but then he displays his camera smile

Cal: This is public area. I can be here if I want.

(Apparently Lil is running to the house)

(Oh yeah, lets retcon this post)

Public area? Cal this is a private graveyard owned by me. I just let anyone expect you in it. you did rise the dead a lot you know I mean my house is apart of the graveyard

(If he’s stopping for conversation Xander will walk up to them and butt in, since he’s not following Lil.)
“Woah now, gentlemen. Which one of you just fired that gun?”

She tries to force open the door to investigate if her god card may be in the house

Cal: Hm? Aren’t you dead officially? A dead person shouldn’t forbid the living.

Seeing Xander, he curses inwardly.

Cal: Just a confetti. My girlfriend accidentally lets it off.
Alice: hiccup Yeah. Girlfriend.

She lets out a giggle

She gets the door open and starts turning the house upside down looking for her godcard

dead or living cal I still own this land now begone before I call the cops

I will repeat it for rising the dead you are no longer welcome here.

“That won’t be necessary.”
Xander pulls out his fake police badge and ID.
“They’re already here.”

he is a little surprised thank you this man refuses to leave my home can you get him off my land

she finds nothing at the house and storms out angrily So much for that guess she goes over to where the commotion, gun in hand

Cal: Rising the dead? I don’t know what you are talking about.

He stares at Xander

Cal: Officer, officer. There is a misunderstanding here. You won’t do anything against a good civilian, will you? It’s only natural to forget about someone that’s supposed to be dead.

He uses his Law Evasion to try bending the law

you claim I am supposed to be dead witch means I am living.

“Can you show me the deed to the graveyard and prove it’s yours? If not, Let this poor couple mourn the dead in peace.”
Xander looks around at the corpses (that i’m assuming are still out laying around) “You’d do well to show more respect for the dead.”
(What does law evasion do again? You should post Cal’s character sheet in the discord.)

(Basically he can avoid law in front of officer until grade 2 detective)

(Oh. Cal would notice it has no effect then, since Xander isn’t really an officer and is just bullshitting everything happening rn)

She gets over there and starts aiming at Cal, humming the song to calm her nerves. The humming is semi loud, enough for you to hear

fade leaves keep him watched and don’t let him leave