Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

The goon has the card. She couldn’t have touched it

(Except the goon isn’t a real person.)

(So yeah, she passes over. Time for Lil to basically go into RP limbo.)

( I guess. But she can’t come back to her body anymore. Her body is dead. Her soul isn’t. )



(not yet. You still need to offically make it canon.)

The goon hands the card to Raul after Lil’s soul escapes. They enter the SUV and drive to HQ where Mabel is

(make what canon? her brain just got a bullet past though it)

( Same deal with Marcus. Look it up soul=/=body)

Lil goes to the Taxi Hey Marcus, wanna share a body she winks

“I assume you took care of her.”

Mabel is standing there, arms folding.

“There was no way you would have let that little physco keep good ol Caesar.”

( You can’t get into bodies. You don’t possess the powers anymore )

(and it is impossible for you to be able to as well)

“You told her too much. I had no choice.”

Raul shows all 4 cards after getting the other two from the unfinished HQ

(i think we need to have some rules for what ghosts are capable of doing, because I am planning on keeping Mabel long after her death.)

(I don’t think ghosts would be able to do much)

( They can’t interract with real ppl other than the anubis cardholder )

(So basically Mabel got me killed. WOW. Also Monkke for it’s kinda common courtesy to ask before killing)

( Why, IC death is always allowed unless the other user can prevent it )

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(How on earth did Mab— oh right, by telling her what they were doing.)