Godcard [Roleplay Thread]


“I’ll call you if I ever decide to need your psychopathic skills again.”

before raul leaves do you need other member raul?

“But …”

“But, nothing. Loving you was a mistake aswell. Can’t believe I fell into it.”

“No, the less there are, the better.”

The SUV drives off, with only Jacques and Raul on board. They drive straight to HQ

he nods it was good working with you. and when I get his card. call upon me I will be willing to assist you if the matter needs

Mabel just watches the SUV leave, in shock.

Jacques interest goes up about what just happened, but decides it’s best to be quiet. Raul obviously isn’t in the best of moods.


looks to mabel he may turn around.

Meanwhile, in a shady bar

Right Hand: Sorry! Is it too strong?
Gun Head: Well, well. Looks like someone is messing around again.

Gun Head Marcus glares at Right Hand Rufus. He hates him. Especially if he has something he doesn’t


Mabel turns on her heel and leaves the cemenetary. A single tear falls down her cheeks.

Raul’s SUV starts following Mabel, it stops next to her

“Sorry. First time drinking.”

Mabel tenses

Prepared to use sandform.

followed mabel to make sure she is fine

Raul walks out of the car and looks at Mabel


She is still tense.